Do You Need To Shave After Laser Hair Removal? (2024)

If you are tired of spending hours shaving, waxing, and plucking unwanted hair, laser hair removal may be the solution you’re looking for. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons states that laser hair removal is one of the top five cosmetic surgeries that offer minimal invasive procedures. Over one million procedures have been performed according to 2021’s data.

However, as with any treatment, you may have questions about what to expect after your laser hair removal session. Will you behair-free forever? Do you still need to shave after the hair removal procedure?

In this article, we’ll dive deeper into the topic of shaving after laser hair removal and share what you need to properly care for your skin post-treatment.

Why is Post-Treatment Care for Laser Hair Removal Important?

Post-treatment care is an important step to make sure you get the best possible results from your laser hair removal treatment. As the treatment works by targeting hair follicles with concentrated laser energy, the skin may become sensitive, inflamed, and prone to infection. To avoid these issues, following the aftercare instructions provided by your laser hair removal specialist is essential.

These instructions may include avoiding direct sunlight and using sunscreen, as well as avoiding tight clothing and heat sources like hot showers and saunas. By doing so, you’ll reduce the risk of any adverse reactions and protect your skin from further damage, helping you achieve a smooth, hair-free result that lasts.

Do You Still Need to Shave After Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removalis a game-changer in the world of hair removal, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you can toss your razor in the trash. While laser hair removal targets hair follicles, it doesn’t remove hair instantly. As a result, it’s possible that you may still see some hair after your treatment. But don’t worry, it’s all part of the process!

While waiting for the treated hair to fall out naturally, you may still want to shave to remove any visible hair. However, it’s crucial to wait until your skin has fully healed before shaving to avoid any irritation or damage, which can take up to two weeks. But once you’re in the clear, go ahead and shave away!

To get the best results, follow these expert tips on when and how to shave after laser hair removal.

  • Wait for at least 48 hours after the laser treatment before shaving
  • Don’t shave if the skin is still red, swollen, or blistered
  • Use a new razor or a clean, sharp blade
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth so you can avoid irritation and ingrown hairs
  • Don’t use any shaving creams or lotions that contain alcohol or fragrances

Tips on How to Shave Properly to Avoid Skin Irritation

Do You Need To Shave After Laser Hair Removal? (1)

Shaving is a common practice for removing hair, but it can cause skin irritation if not done correctly. Here are some tips on how to shave properly after laser hair removal:

Don’t Shave Too Soon

Wait until the skin has fully healed before shaving, which can take up to two weeks. Shaving too soon can cause further irritation and damage to the skin, which can lead to scarring and hyperpigmentation.

Exfoliate After 4 or 5 Days

Exfoliating helps in the removal of dead skin cells, which can clog the hair follicles and cause ingrown hairs. Wait for a few days after laser hair removal before exfoliating. Use a gentle scrub or exfoliating glove and avoid using any harsh chemicals or scrubs that can damage the skin.

Track Your Shaving Habits

Keep track of how often you shave and any reactions or irritations that occur. This will help you identify patterns and triggers that may cause skin irritation or inflammation.

How Many Laser Hair Removal Treatments Are Needed for Best Results?

The number of treatments required can vary depending on several factors, including hair type, treatment area, and skin tone.

Generally, most people require four to six treatments, spaced six to eight weeks apart, to see the best results. However, this can vary based on individual needs and goals. Your laser hair removal specialist will assess your skin and hair type to create a personalized treatment plan for you.

At Glow MedSpa, we use state-of-the-art technology to ensure you get the most out of your laser hair removal treatment. Our experienced specialists will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that suits your needs and goals, so you can achieve the smooth, hair-free skin you’ve always wanted.

What Should You Expect During and After Laser Hair Removal?

During thelaser hair removal treatment, you may feel a mild to moderate sensation of heat or discomfort. However, this can be managed with cooling sprays or gels. After the laser hair removal treatment, the skin may be red, swollen, or sensitive, but this is only temporary and should subside within a few hours to a few days. You may also notice some shedding of the treated hair, which is a sign that the treatment is working.

It is important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your laser hair removal specialist to ensure that your skin heals properly and that you get the best results. Avoid direct sunlight, use sunscreen, avoid tight clothing, and avoid heat sources like hot showers and saunas. If you experience any unusual discomfort or persistent symptoms, such as severe pain, itching, or blistering, contact your laser hair removal specialist immediately.

Do You Need To Shave After Laser Hair Removal? (2024)


Do You Need To Shave After Laser Hair Removal? ›

While waiting for the treated hair to fall out naturally, you may still want to shave to remove any visible hair. However, it's crucial to wait until your skin has fully healed before shaving to avoid any irritation or damage, which can take up to two weeks. But once you're in the clear, go ahead and shave away!

Are you supposed to shave after laser hair removal? ›

Your physician will instruct that you shave before your procedure to ensure a more targeted treatment . While you can also shave after laser hair removal, be sure to wait for several hours after skin redness or discoloration has subsided. Avoid shaving on any skin that's: swollen.

Do you still have stubble after laser hair removal? ›

Up to a few weeks after treatment, your skin will develop stubble or blackheads as a part of the shedding process that happens from hairs that were partially grown at the time of the procedure. Exfoliation during this period aids the shedding and diminishes the blackhead or stubble appearance.

What happens if you don't shave for laser hair removal? ›

Potential Risks of Skipping the Shave

Cause skin irritation: Unshaved hair can lead to post-laser redness, inflammation, and swelling. Increase burn risk: Longer hair can excessively absorb laser energy, heightening the risk of burns and blisters.

Why can't I get a close shave after laser hair removal? ›

The laser uses intense heat to target the hair follicles beneath the skin's surface, which causes them to enter a dormant phase. The hair present during the treatment eventually falls off, but not instantaneously. So patience is key. Post-treatment, you may find hairs that seem stubborn and resistant to shaving.

Why is my hair not shedding after laser? ›

It might be that not enough time has passed post-treatment for the hair to shed. Or it could mean that the laser wasn't able to effectively target the hair follicles because it wasn't in the right growth phase yet, so the laser couldn't treat it.

Will hair still shed if I shave after laser? ›

After your session, your hair may start to shed. This is normal and indicates your treatment is working. These hairs are the ones that have been damaged by the laser. Before you shave it could be a good idea to exfoliate your skin so all the damaged hairs are removed.

Why am I still hairy after laser hair removal? ›

Patients may notice more hair 1 – 3 weeks after laser hair removal sessions as follicles in the growing cycle begin to shed. During this process, exfoliating the skin, once swelling and redness have dissipated, can help hairs shed faster, leaving skin feeling smoother.

Can I pull out dead hairs after laser? ›

If you tweeze out hairs, you are disrupting its growth phase, canceling out the treatment you just received to remove it. It can also cause future treatments to be less effective. It is recommended to leave the treated area alone. A few weeks after treatment, the dead hairs will shed and fall out naturally.

Are you hairless after first laser hair removal? ›

Three to four weeks after the first treatment, your skin will be smooth. You may see what looks like some growth, but don't worry about it. This will be taken care of in your next treatment. Within three months (and after 2 treatments) 50% of your hair will be gone.

Do laser technicians shave you? ›

You will need to shave the area prior to the visit. Once you are in the treatment room, your Laser Technician and Master Esthetician will explain everything to you about the laser and what to expect during the treatments.

What they don t tell you about laser hair removal? ›

Fact — Laser hair treatments don't work as well, and sometimes not at all on very fair or blond hair. The laser hair removal treatment requires pigment in the hair, or the beam of light will not reach the hair follicle. Hair that is gray or blond has less pigment, which can make laser hair removal ineffective.

What happens if you miss a spot shaving for laser? ›

Reduced effectiveness.

If you don't shave before your laser hair removal treatment, the laser will target the surface hair, which can lead to a less effective session. This means you might require more sessions than initially planned, delaying your journey towards that attractive, hair-free body.

Why do I still have stubble after laser hair removal? ›

Reasons for Stubble After Laser Hair Removal

With hairs at different stages at any given time, a single laser session can only target hairs in the active growth phase. This discrepancy means that hairs not in the active phase during treatment will continue to grow, leading to the perception of stubble.

Why do they tell you not to shave after laser hair removal? ›

Wait until the skin has fully healed before shaving, which can take up to two weeks. Shaving too soon can cause further irritation and damage to the skin, which can lead to scarring and hyperpigmentation.

How soon after laser can you shave? ›

It is generally recommended to wait at least three or four days after laser hair removal treatment before shaving the treated area. This allows time for the skin to recover and reduces the risk of irritation. Some sources suggest waiting until shedding occurs, which typically happens a few days after treatment.

What are the do's and don'ts after laser hair removal? ›

Avoid heat treatments such as spas, steam rooms and saunas for 7 days. Avoid excessive scrubbing or applying pressure to the skin for 4-5 days. This is to allow the treated skin to recover and to prevent any infection. Avoid shaving the treated area for 72 hours after treatment.

What does shedding look like after laser hair removal? ›

When the laser targets the hair follicle, it damages the root of the hair. This damage signals to the body that the hair is no longer needed and will eventually be shed. In most cases, this occurs 1 to 3 weeks after your LHR treatment, and it sometimes looks like blackheads or stubble.

How to remove dead hair after laser? ›

Regular Shaving – Shaving is a safe and efficient method to remove dead hair. It doesn't disturb the hair follicles treated by the laser, making it a suitable option between sessions. Avoid Sun Exposure – Protect the treated area from direct sun exposure.

How close to laser should you shave? ›

To prepare for your laser hair removal, shave the area 12-14 hours before your appointment with a clean, sharp razor. Be sure to remove all hairs especially longer hairs sitting above the skin as this can cause burns.

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