extension/troubleshooting-off-flavors-in-goat-milk (2024)

Good quality milk should have a pleasantly sweet and clean flavor with no distinct aftertaste. If you raise dairy goats for milk consumption, it’s inevitable that you will have, or have had an off-flavored batch. Sometimes the flavor will pass, but other times it will persist, and drive you crazy trying to figure out what could have caused the problem. There are a many reasons why you might get an off-flavor in your milk, so the best thing to do is to troubleshoot.

There are a number of reasons your goat’s milk might have an off-flavor, but if you know your goat’s milk is normally sweet, it should be possible to determine the cause through the process of elimination. This article will help you identify what could be causing that off-flavor in your goat’s milk and provide information on preventing it from happening again.

Step 1: Taste milk fresh out of the goat

If your milk is consistently tasting funky after you have processed and chilled it, the first thing you may want to do is give the fresh milk a taste. If it tastes sweet and normal right from the milk stand, you can probably bet that you have a problem with your storage and processing. If the goat milk tastes bad even when it’s fresh out of the goat, there may be environmental or health factors that are changing the flavor of your goat’s milk.

Before tasting your milk, be sure to do a couple squirts off to the side of your pail so you can check for thick, smelly, or bloody milk, which may indicate a health problem such as mastitis.

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Step 2: Verify you are following good handling and processing procedures

Many times off flavors can be traced back to improper handling and storage. Bacteria love to grow in milk, and proper chilling is the key to safe, high-quality milk. If your milk tastes good right out of the goat, you are probably getting the bad flavor from a breakdown in this process.

Storage container sanitation

Make sure whatever you use to collect the milk and your storage container are both sanitized properly. To sterilize your equipment, wash it with warm soapy water and boil it for 5 minutes to kill any bacteria. There are also dairy specific sanitizers available for cleaning milking equipment. If you use cheesecloth or reusable filters, make sure these too are sterilized.

Preparing equipment

Before you begin milking, prepare all your equipment and have an ice bath set up so that you can move quickly.

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Preparing to milk and milking

Start with brushing the animal to help prevent debris from falling into the pail as you milk. Brush her from the top down, ending with a good brushing of her belly in front of her udder. It’s best if the animal’s belly, hindquarters, and udder have been clipped of long hair. Wash your hands, and clean the teats and udder with warm soapy water or udder wash and a cloth, and dry the udder thoroughly. This should help limit the transfer of bacteria to the milk, and prevent things like feces, dirt, and other unwanted contaminants from falling into the milk.

Processing and storing milk

Milk is a prime breeding ground for bacteria which makes quick and sanitary processing crucial to removing unwanted flavors and potential health hazards. If you don’t filter during milk collection, you will need to make sure you filter out any foreign contaminants that may have found their way into your milk before chilling. This can be done with a funnel and coffee filter, cheesecloth or special filters specifically for milk.

Glass is the preferred method of storage, as plastic can be harder to clean and retain bacteria even after a thorough cleaning. There are, however, some plastics that are considered food safe that you can use. These containers are usually marked or labeled as food safe.

After you have finished milking, make sure you get your fresh, filtered milk chilled and into the fridge or freezer and cool it to 40 degrees fahrenheit or lower as soon as possible to prevent bacteria growth and lipolysis (the release of fatty acids into the milk, which results in a goaty taste). An ice bath is especially helpful for this. Exposure to direct sunlight can also cause lipolysis, so try to keep it covered and in a dark place. Let the milk chill for at least several hours before consuming.

Never add a batch of warm milk to a batch of chilled milk. While it may save time and container space, the warm milk will heat up the chilled batch and encourage bacterial growth that will spoil both batches.

A breakdown in any of the above processes has the possibility of producing off flavors in your goat’s milk. By following the guidelines laid out above, you should be able to rule out processing and storage as a potential source of your bad tasting milk.

Step 3: Check for environmental conditions

If you’ve tested your milk and it tastes funny right out of the goat and have eliminated the possibility of contamination in your storage and processing, environmental factors could be causing your goat’s milk to have an “off-flavor.”

Location and cleanliness of the milking area

Barn odors can be absorbed in your milk as you milk, leaving you with unclean or dirty tasting milk. To ensure barn odors don’t find their way into your milk, situate your milk area somewhere clean that’s set apart from your barn, and keep you milking area and milk stand clean and debris-free.

Condition of shelter

The smell of ammonia and other musty barn odors can also be the culprit of off-flavors. Goats can absorb such odors into their milk just by breathing them. Make sure you provide a dry, well-ventilated place for your goats to rest, and keep fecal matter and other contaminants cleaned up. This has the added benefit of minimizing the threat of disease in your animals, and keeps them clean–limiting debris in the milk.

Bucks housed with or near milking does

Anyone who has ever owned a buck knows the distinct smell that seems to pour off of them. It sticks to everything and seems to stay with you no matter how often you shower. So, if that smell stays on you forever, imagine how long it will stick to your does?

Keeping your does with your bucks is a surefire way to get “bucky” flavored milk. Make sure to keep them separated by some distance; does housed separate from, but near, a buck will still pick up his scent.

Consumption of plants that impart off flavors

Goats have an amazing ability to flavor their milk with what they eat. They could be consuming plants that are giving your goat’s milk that off-flavor. Carefully check your pasture and any area where they might be eating to see if that is the case. Common causes are wild garlic and onions, but other plants that can leave undesirable flavors in your milk include:

  • Elderflower
  • Mint
  • Fools’ parsley
  • Birdsfoot trefoil
  • Shepherd’s purse
  • Ivy leaves
  • Oak
  • Cress
  • Sweet clover
  • Wood sorrel
  • Brassicas (cabbage, kale, etc.)

If you are feeding hay, it’d be worth checking for the presence of any of these plants in your hay as well, especially if all of your does starting producing off-tasting milk at the same time you received a new supply.

Step 4: Look for health issues

Metabolic disturbances and illness may also result in “off” or unclean flavors. If you’ve verified that the above circ*mstances are not the cause of your off-flavored milk, or in your test squirt you found the milk either thick, smelly or bloody, you may be facing a health issue.


A salty taste in the milk could be a result of mastitis. Mastitis is an udder infection that can be the result of a number of things. Dirty pens or feeding areas, udder trauma from bruising or gouging, unsanitary milking processes, changes in diet or rapid temperature changes that’ll leave a doe’s immune system weak can all increase the chance of mastitis.

Does with sub-clinical mastitis will show no symptoms, but as the disease progresses they may develop a hard, swollen and red udder or teats. When only one half is affected, the two udder halves may appear “unbalanced”. The goat may also have a fever, be lethargic, off feed, and/or the milk may be stringy and spotted with blood. If the doe is feeding her offspring, she may be reluctant to let them feed due to the pain.

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Ketosis is an illness that can occur shortly after a doe has given birth, up to about three weeks postpartum. A doe develops Ketosis when she is producing higher milk yields than her body can keep up with. To compensate, the doe’s body uses its protein reserves to produce milk. This can lead to a strong flavored, “goaty" milk.

A goat suffering from Ketosis may have little or no appetite, be lethargic and depressed, have poor coordination, grind her teeth, be unable to stand, and have sweet or foul smelling breath.

It is not uncommon for milk to have a strong taste for a week or so after kidding, so be careful with assuming an animal producing off-flavor milk immediately postpartum has Ketosis.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

A Vitamin B12 deficiency can be a source of bitter milk. B12 is created in the rumen and helps the goat metabolize feed. Normally, the shortage of B12 in a goat’s system can be linked directly to a shortage of Cobalt. Cobalt is not stored in the goat’s system, so it must be found in their foodstuff. You can provide Cobalt through a mineral lick, or herbal supplements such as chicory.

If you are providing Vitamin B12 adequately and yet the milk still tastes bitter, your goat could have a parasite infection. Make sure to do a fecal test if you think this is a possibility.

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The information contained in this site is for general guidance on matters of interest only. The information is provided with the understanding that the authors and publishers are not herein engaged in rendering veterinary or other professional advice. While EasyKeeper Herd Manager, Inc. ("Company") has made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this site has been obtained from reliable sources, no liability can be accepted for any errors or omission or for any person acting or refraining from acting on the information provided on this site. As such, it should not be used as a substitute for consultation with licensed veterinarians or other competent advisors. It is the sole responsibility of the reader to obtain veterinary services and advice before using any of the information in this site.

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extension/troubleshooting-off-flavors-in-goat-milk (2024)


What causes off-Flavour in milk? ›

The milk lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of milk fat triglycerides causes a common flavor defect in fluid milk. Historically, several terms have been used to describe this flavor defect. "Ran- cid", the most commonly used, is ambiguous since it is used also to describe the flavor defect resulting from lipid oxidation.

Why does my goat milk taste weird? ›

They could be consuming plants that are giving your goat's milk that off-flavor. Carefully check your pasture and any area where they might be eating to see if that is the case. Common causes are wild garlic and onions, but other plants that can leave undesirable flavors in your milk include: Elderflower.

How do I make my goat milk taste better? ›

  1. Goat milk is sweet and delicious if you handle it properly.
  2. First, keep intact adult bucks at least 200 feet away from the lactating does. ...
  3. Second, pasteurize the milk to 165f for 5 minutes and then immediately chill, jar up, and refrigerate. ...
  4. Third, goat milk can make the same cheeses made from cow's milk.
Mar 6, 2024

What causes abnormal Flavour in milk? ›

These low molecular weight fatty acids (carbon length, C4-C12) may cause an undesirable, soapy, bitter off-flavour, commonly referred to as rancid (Bodyfelt et al., 1988). Numerous flavour defects of dairy products may be caused by bacteria, yeasts, or molds.

Why does my milk taste weird but not expired? ›

The first type of psychrotrophic bacteria are the gram-positive rods. While the main source of these organisms is usually raw milk, they are thermoduric in nature and can survive pasteurization. While unusual in pasteurized milk, they can cause bitter flavors and sweet curdling.

What are the Flavour defects of milk? ›

The following list of adverse changes is not restrictive. Most frequently one speaks of milk that is sour, bitter, fruity, rancid, malty, with an off-flavour tast, and also of dirty milk, etc. These forms of spoilage are associated with the growth of yeasts, moulds and bacteria.

How to tell if goat milk has gone bad? ›

Simply hold the milk up to your nose, and if it smells bad, or doesn't look quite right, then it has probably spoiled. If you can't tell, just have a quick taste to be sure – it should be very apparent by the taste.

What does fermented goat milk taste like? ›

If you struggle with the taste of the goats milk kefir, you're not alone! The sharp, fizzy, fermented taste is unfamiliar to us, in these days when everything is sweetened. But there's a good reason for that tangy taste.

What goat produces the best tasting milk? ›

Nubians produce the highest butterfat content of the large dairy breeds. We've raised both Alpines and Nubians and I prefer the flavor of Nubian milk, which is sweeter and richer. Nubians, though large, are an uppity, high-energy breed.

What gives goat milk its flavor? ›

Among dairy goat farmers, the general consensus is that butterfat content most affects the milk's flavor. Different breeds of goats produce milk with varying butterfat content.

How can I improve my goats milk? ›

Dairy goats have unique nutritional requirements, so that very often the interventions to improve the milk quality are disappointing. It is not possible to intervene by increasing non-structural carbohydrates to satisfy energy needs. This goal can be achieved by giving the right amount of fat.

How to make goat milk more palatable? ›

Another method is to mix a bit of vanilla flavor and a little sugar—just enough to change the taste to something a little more familiar.

What causes milk to have off flavors? ›

As with smell, a feed or forage change can rapidly be reflected in the taste of milk, as will the consumption of certain plants, including garlic and onions. Milk that tastes soapy, bitter, or like blue cheese is characterized as rancid, which is caused by a breakdown of the milkfat into fatty acids.

What is responsible for flavor in milk? ›

The flavour of fresh bovine milk is attributed largely to a collection of compounds that fall into chemical categories such as carbonyl, sulphur, alcohols and free fatty acids.

What is the major cause of oxidized flavor in milk? ›

Oxidized flavor in milk has been shown to be associated with milk of low bacterial count. The growth of bacteria in the milk, either by using up the oxygen or by reduction of the potential, render milk non-susceptible even in the presence of copper.

Why has my milk started to taste funny? ›

As with smell, a feed or forage change can rapidly be reflected in the taste of milk, as will the consumption of certain plants, including garlic and onions. Milk that tastes soapy, bitter, or like blue cheese is characterized as rancid, which is caused by a breakdown of the milkfat into fatty acids.

Why do I suddenly not like the taste of milk? ›

It might be as simple as waiting for a stuffy nose to clear up or brushing your tongue or teeth more frequently. You may also want to try rinsing your mouth out with water before eating dairy products or try eating them at different times of the day to see if timing affects the taste.

What affects the Flavour of milk? ›

Milk flavor results mainly from proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, and small amounts of other components. Depending on the way milk is handled, processed, and stored, its quality and flavor can deteriorate.

Why does my milk not taste good at all? ›

Many moms experience this, so don't worry. You're not alone and nothing's wrong with you! Human milk varies in taste, smell, and appearance depending on your diet, medications, and storage techniques. Remember: regardless of these differences, your milk is always the best food for your baby.

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