'I did 100 skips a day for 30 days, here’s everything that happened to my body + mind' (2024)

Here’s a question for you: when was the last time you tried skipping? Perhaps it was last week in the gym, maybe it was during one of the many *whispers it* lockdowns, or, like me, maybe it was when you were 10, in school and living your best life in the playground.

Reader, I’m now 30. But over the years, skipping has made a resurgence and when you delve into the never-ending list of skipping benefits, it‘s clear to see why. ‘It's one of the easiest, and cost-effective ways of increasing fitness levels,’ says personal trainer and seasoned skipping pro, Jolene Martin, who specialises in strength training and functional fitness. ‘It targets muscles in your chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, forearms, glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves and all abdominals,’ Martin adds. Sounds good, no?

So, in my pursuit of wanting to learn a new skill (because it’s never too late), cash in on these full body #gains and give my cardiovascular fitness levels a boost, I decided to take on a skipping challenge. Plus, if it’s good enough for Gemma Atkinson, J Lo and Halle Berry…

My skipping challenge

'I did 100 skips a day for 30 days, here’s everything that happened to my body + mind' (1)

I’ll be aiming to tick off 100 skips per day across a 30-day period (gulp!) either at home or in a gym to help keep things interesting.

Personally speaking, I generally exercise four to five mornings a week, although this can fluctuate depending on how my body is feeling. While completing my skipping challenge, I’ll be aiming to continue with my weekly 5k run, my once-a-week online Pilates class (I usually find a free Lottie Murphy flow) and my three strength training sessions at my local gym, but I will certainly drop a session or workout if it’s too much. With that in mind, here’s how an ideal week will look:

  • Monday: 100 skips in the gym + 45 minute upper-body strength training session (a mixture of lat pull-downs, dips, pull-ups, chest press, row and shoulder press)
  • Tuesday: 100 skips at home + 20 minute online Pilates workout
  • Wednesday: 100 skips at home + 45 minute lower-body strength training session (including squats, deadlifts, lunges, abductors and hip thrusts)
  • Thursday: 100 skips at home
  • Friday: 100 skips at home + 45 minute full-body strength training session (ranging from dips, pull ups, chest press, squats, deadlifts and lunges)
  • Saturday: 100 skips at home + 5k run
  • Sunday: 100 skips at home

Remember that this is my own personal weekly workout routine. If you’re considering taking on a skipping or fitness challenge, do speak to a PT and tweak accordingly.

But first, what is skipping?

'I did 100 skips a day for 30 days, here’s everything that happened to my body + mind' (2)

Skipping is a high-intensity workout that involves holding a piece of skipping rope on either side of your body, swinging it over your head and jumping over it. Sounds easy, I know. But this dynamic and explosive form of fitness is anything but.

Along with challenging your aerobic (used for cardio endurance), anaerobic (used for short, intense bursts of exercise, like HIIT) and cardiovascular system, skipping works all the muscles in your body. So you get a lot of bang for your jumps. And just like any other form of fitness, finding your form is key. To perfect your technique, Martin recommends:

  • Keep your shoulders relaxed
  • Keep your feet close together as you jump up and down
  • Look forward, not down
  • Maintain soft knees and a neutral spine
  • Jump high and land soft

What are the benefits of skipping?

This piece of kit might be small, but the benefits sure are mighty.

  • It’s no secret that exercise can help ease anxiety. But a 2021 study proved just how effective skipping can be at lowering anxiety levels and increasing serotonin (aka the happy hormone).
  • Skipping can also help better your balance and coordination — two things that unfortunately diminish with age. Researchers in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine investigated the effects that skipping had on motor abilities and body balance in young football players. The outcome? They found that those who skipped had ‘enhanced general motor coordination and balance’ compared to those who didn’t.
  • Got a need for speed? Runners who complete 2-5ks will be pleased to know that skipping can also help you run faster. This comes after researchers conducted a meta-analysis of 21 studies and found a link between skipping and faster running times.

    While those who avoid running like they do their alarm clock: look this way. According to research published in the

    Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, skipping for 10 minutes a day over the course of six weeks delivers the same brilliant benefits as if you were to jog daily for 30 minutes. ‘So with everything in life becoming so busy, you can still reap the rewards in a shorter space of time by skipping,’ Martin adds.
  • ‘Skipping can also build and maintain bone density and lead to a healthier heart,’ Martin explains. The latter was proven in a 2019 study, which looked at the effect that skipping has on physical and cardiovascular fitness. In this experiment, a group of men were split into two groups. Group A were tasked with completing two skipping workouts a day, while Group B were asked to do their usual workout routine. After 12 weeks, Group A showed a ‘significant improvement’ in their VO2 max.

Side note: this is my own personal skipping journey and if you decide to take on a similar challenge, know that it will never be exactly the same as mine. And that’s ok. Either way, Martin recommends honing your practice. ‘Like anything new, start off slow, learn the movement and then build up slowly,’ she says. ‘Maybe start with trying to skip for 2 minutes without stopping and go from there.’

Although, if you are someone who has high blood pressure, heart disease, asthma or have been diagnosed as clinically overweight, Martin advises: ‘A more non-weight bearing low impact and low intensity activity would be more suitable.’

7 things I learned from my skipping challenge

1.Skipping will leave your calves on fire

    'I did 100 skips a day for 30 days, here’s everything that happened to my body + mind' (3)

      And that’s an understatement. Completing 100 skips will leave you feeling like you’ve worked everything from your head to your toes because, well, you have. This was great because it helped me warm up before working out or running. But if there was one area where I felt fire like never before, it was in my gastrocnemius and soleus — the two muscles that make up your calves.

      For at least the first week, my calves hated me, but after speaking with Martin, I found the solution to all my skipping-induced woes: ‘Make sure you stretch your calves after you’ve completed your 100 skips,’ she says. ‘If not, you might find it feels like you’ve been wearing high heels after a night out.’ Ouch!

      2. Skipping requires a supportive sports bra

      'I did 100 skips a day for 30 days, here’s everything that happened to my body + mind' (4)

        We all know that a sports bra wins the award for the hardest working piece of fit kit. But a form-fitting sports bra really comes into its own when performing a high intensity form of fitness like skipping. So take this as your reminder…

        3. Skipping is seriously convenient

        'I did 100 skips a day for 30 days, here’s everything that happened to my body + mind' (5)

        Don’t just take my word for it: ‘One of the best things about skipping is the fact you can pack up a skipping rope and take it with you anywhere in the world,’ Martin explains. ‘It’s so lightweight and space-saving — you really have no excuses not to keep your training routine up.’

        I saw this for myself first hand. Over the course of the 30 days, this little pink skipping rope of mine has racked up more steps than Covent Garden tube station has to offer. I’ve taken my skipping sidekick to Mexico, it’s ventured to three different gyms and it’s been to my local park. No matter the time, place or location, all you need is a rope, enough space to swing it and the motivation to skip.

        'I did 100 skips a day for 30 days, here’s everything that happened to my body + mind' (6)

        Farabi Sports Farabi Skipping Rope Black

        'I did 100 skips a day for 30 days, here’s everything that happened to my body + mind' (7)

        Farabi Sports Farabi Skipping Rope Jump Pink

        'I did 100 skips a day for 30 days, here’s everything that happened to my body + mind' (8)

        Arovina Tangle-Free Skipping Rope

        'I did 100 skips a day for 30 days, here’s everything that happened to my body + mind' (9)

        Sportout Adjustable Skipping Rope

        4. Skipping is a major mental workout

        'I did 100 skips a day for 30 days, here’s everything that happened to my body + mind' (10)

        Yes, seasoned skippers make this form of fitness look easy. But twisting a rope over your body, jumping at the right time, keeping a tally and aiming for 100 skips is as much of a mental workout as it is a physical one.

        In my experience, skipping requires most, if not all, of your concentration while you’re putting your cardiovascular endurance front and centre. One hop, skip and a jump out of place and your skipping streak will quickly be derailed. Or worse: if your coordination slips like mine did at the start of this skipping challenge, you might just end up accidentally whipping your legs, arms or any other body part with your rope. I found out the hard way.

        5. Splitting your 100 skips into sets will help

        'I did 100 skips a day for 30 days, here’s everything that happened to my body + mind' (11)

          I find it easier and more enjoyable to exercise in the mornings as it sets me up for the day and gives me an endorphin hit no oat latte could ever. But at first, I was struggling to find my rhythm with the rope and catch my breath. To help, I decided to split my 100 skips out into 5 sets of 20.

          By day five, I found I was able to reach around 40 skips in a row and just over a week in, I was racking up 60. It was day 15 when I was finally able to hit 100 skips consecutively and feel like I could keep going.

          6. Your time and coordination will improve

            Yes really. Along with finally finding my skipping flow, over the course of 30 days I was also able to cut down the time it took me to accomplish 100 skips. Initially, racking up 100 jumps took me around 2 minutes to complete.

            By the end of the challenge, I halved this PB to under 60 seconds. Plus, once I had mastered the basic skip, I started adding in a few alternate foot step skips.

            7. Skipping is super cost-effective

              Did I mention that this handy piece of portable kit costs less than an overpriced coffee? Standing at £3.99, in the ongoing cost of living crisis, this is music to my ears and bank balance.

              Final thoughts

              It turns out a lot can change in 30 days. After a month of skipping on the trot, my hand-eye coordination has never been better. Want me to fire out 100 skips in one go? Sure. Sprinkle in some tricks? Consider my fancy footwork finessed. Need to tick off a short warm-up before running? Skipping has become my sidekick. Plus, as shown by my recovery rate (which I measure by how breathless I am, and for how long, after skipping) and my desire to want to tally up more skips even after I’ve ticked off my 100, my cardio fitness levels have been boosted.

              Will I be completing 100 skips every day for the rest of time? I’d be lying if I said yes. But on the days I don’t fancy heading to the gym, need to find some headspace or I’m heading out on a run, I’ll be reaching for my skipping rope to hit every major muscle group in minutes,

              warm up

              my calves and get my endorphins pumping. Boxer skips, side swings and double unders…I’m coming for ya!

              'I did 100 skips a day for 30 days, here’s everything that happened to my body + mind' (2024)


              What happens if we do 100% skipping daily? ›

              It can also assist burn calories, which can aid in weight reduction or weight control. However, if you're not used to this kind of workout, jumping rope 100 times in one day can be very taxing on your muscles and joints. This can increase the risk of injury, particularly in the ankles, knees, and lower back.

              What will 100 skips a day do? ›

              Along with challenging your aerobic (used for cardio endurance), anaerobic (used for short, intense bursts of exercise, like HIIT) and cardiovascular system, skipping works all the muscles in your body. So you get a lot of bang for your jumps. And just like any other form of fitness, finding your form is key.

              What will happen if I do 1000 skipping daily for a month? ›

              What happens if I do 1000 skips every day? A: If you do 1000 skips daily, you can expect to burn calories and improve your cardiovascular fitness. The number of calories burned while skipping depends on various factors. It includes your weight, age, and intensity level.

              What happens if I do 100 star jumps a day? ›

              This simple full-body exercise works your heart and muscles in one hit to help you burn fat, strengthen bones and shape up.

              Will I lose weight if I do 100 skips a day? ›

              It can lead to weight loss (if that's your goal)

              Skipping for weight loss is a common reason people pick up the rope, as you can burn up to 200-300 calories per session (based on half an hour of skipping a day). Thirty minutes might not sound like a lot, but once you get skipping you might feel differently.

              Will I lose weight if I do 100 jump ropes a day? ›

              Jump rope is good cardio, and doing just 100 jump ropes a day for long enough can have a massive impact on your fitness. What's more, 100 rope jumps a day is only one minute. Jump for ten, and you'll burn through 150 calories!

              Can I do 500 skips a day? ›

              Yes, it's probably enough to strengthen your cardiovascular system, assuming you time your 500 jumps and find that you can do them faster and faster from week to week.

              How many skips a day to lose belly fat? ›

              Firstly, keep a count on the skips. Start with at least 400 counts a day. But if you need to reduce your belly , then you need to follow the super set method. Minimum 400 counts, then immediately 60 seconds planks.

              How many calories do you burn doing 100 skips a day? ›

              The number of calories burned during 100 skips of skipping rope can vary depending on several factors such as age, weight, gender, and intensity of the exercise. However, on average, 100 skips of skipping rope can burn around 10-16 calories.

              What happens if I do 200 skipping daily? ›

              How many calories burn in skipping? Surprisingly, skipping ropes can burn 10 calories in a minute and also strengthen your legs, butt, shoulders, belly, and arms. On average, you can burn 200 calories in 10 minutes sessions each day.

              How much weight can I lose in 1 month by skipping? ›

              The jumper will lose an extra 1,000 calories per week, resulting in an additional 250gm of weight reduction a week. It is best to lose only one kilogram of weight per week to ensure the muscle mass does not get affected. Furthermore, the person will lose 3-kg in a month by losing around 750gm a week.

              How much weight will I lose if I do 1000 skips a day? ›

              Most people burn 140-190 calories for every 1,000 skips of a jump rope jumping at a moderate pace. The number of calories burned by jumping rope will depend on your weight, the intensity, and the time of your workout. A 150-pound (68kg) person jumping rope at a slow pace for 10 minutes will burn 105 calories.

              How many skips a day is healthy? ›

              Intensity: The number of skips per day depends on your fitness level and goals. Beginners should start with a few minutes of skipping and gradually increase the duration as they build stamina. Frequency: Consistency is key. Aim for at least 15-20 minutes of skipping per day to see noticeable results.

              What are the benefits of 100 jumps in the morning? ›

              In the morning, on empty stomach, without even a water drop) We activate and start all metabolic processes, blood circulation improves, the lymphatic system wakes up, lymph outflow begins (you can start running to the bathroom, that's okay), your metabolism increases.

              What happens if you do 500 jumping jacks a day? ›

              Burning calories with jumping jacks is easy. You can burn up to 100 calories with 500 jumping jacks. For burning 500 calories with jumping jack exercise, you might have to do a total of 2500 jumping jacks.

              Can 100 skipping increase height? ›

              Though skipping is a great activity for a lot of reasons, it does not increase one's height. Height is something that is very genetic and training does not impact the height of a person.” Having said this, there are several other reasons that might interest one to add skipping to their routine.

              Can we do 1000 skips a day? ›

              Yes, doing 1000 jump ropes a day can help you lose weight. Jumping rope is a great cardiovascular exercise that can help you burn calories and improve your fitness. According to Harvard Health, jumping rope for 10 minutes can burn about 100 calories. So, if you do 1000 jump ropes, you could burn about 1000 calories.

              Can skipping reduce belly fat? ›

              Skipping is very good for cardiovascular fitness and improves your lung capacity. It maximises calorie-burn, causing you to lose weight. As it strengthens core muscles and tightens the abdominal area, it automatically reduces belly fat.

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              Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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              Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.