Laser hair removal - Free consultation - Your skin, our care - Huidtherapeut NL (2024)

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Skin Therapist NL practices only work with Alexandriet, Diode and ND-YAG hair removal lasers. Due to the wide range of three different laser devices, all skin types can be treated with us.

You will be treated by a HBO trained and quality registered skin therapist. If you are covered by additional insurance, there is even a chance that you may be reimbursed for the facial laser treatment.

Laser hair removal - Free consultation - Your skin, our care - Huidtherapeut NL (1)

How does a laser treatment work?

Laser treatment can remove unwanted hair. The laser light is absorbed by the pigment in the hair and at the bottom of the hair follicle. To prevent the laser from affecting the pigment in the skin, each treatment is carefully tailored to your skin type. The Alexandrite and Diode are the best hair removal systems up to Fitzpatrick skin type III. The ND-YAG laser is the best hair removal system between Fitzpatrick skin types IV and VI. Skin therapist NL has the perfect match for laser hair removal of every skin color.

With each flash, a selective heating of hair follicles located deep in the skin occurs. The laser releases its energy in a fraction of a second, just long enough to destroy the hair follicle and short enough to protect the surrounding skin structures and epidermis. In principle, this method of hair removal can permanently remove disturbing hair in any part of the body, both in women and men.

How many treatments are needed?

The hair growth cycle consists of three phases: The growth phase, the transition phase and the resting phase. Each individual hair can be in a different phase. For example, a certain number of hairs may grow at a certain moment while others do not. They are then in a resting phase. The hair root is only sensitive to the laser during the growth phase, because it is still attached to the hair. This allows both the hair and the hair root to be both heated. Because the hairs are in different phases, multiple laser hair removal treatments are required for each location, on average 6 to 8 treatments. The frequency of the treatment depends on the area to be lasered. This is often between 4 and 8 weeks.

Result Laser hair removal

Laserontharing oksel na 1 behandeling
Laserontharing oksel na 2 behandelingen
Laserontharing - oksel - na vier behandelingen
Resultaat na 2 behandelingen gelaat
Gelaat resultaat na twee behandelingen
Resultaat na 2 behandelingen tussentijds

First consult free and without obligation

The first appointment is free and without obligation. During the first appointment, the intake, we will go through your details and relevant medical history with you. Here we check whether there is perhaps a (relative) contraindication, so that treatment may not be an option.
We also look closely at the skin and then draw up an individual treatment plan based on this skin analysis. You will receive information about the treatment and advice.

If there is no contraindication, a so-called test flash can be put on the skin to see how it reacts to this. This way you also know how the laser treatment will feel.

Plan your free consultation

Reimbursem*nt by health insurers

Many insurers reimburse a laser hair removal treatment for the face, transition or skin that is transplanted, under the supplementary insurance. You can check this with the policy of your insurance or in our overview of reimbursem*nts for laser hair removal. Sometimes a referral from your general practitioner or specialist is required to qualify for the reimbursem*nt.

  • Reimbursem*nt for laser hair removal by health insurers
  • View the rates for all our treatments


Permanent hair removal by electric epilation

Current is brought to the hair follicle by means of a thin needle. The heat that is generated destroys the hair follicle so that no new hair can grow out. If the hair is in the resting or expelling phase, it is no longer attached to the hair follicle and a new hair may already be formed in the hair follicle deeper in the skin. Unfortunately, it is not possible to see from the outside in which phase the hairs are and several treatments will be needed to treat all hairs.

Permanent hair removal by laser hair removal

  • Round nipples from €82 temporary promotion €58.00
  • Breast female in between from €58
  • Breast from €180
  • Bikini line Normal from €119
  • Bikini line Extended from €150
  • Back from €210
  • Shoulders from €150
  • Shoulders + Neck from €180
  • Back + Shoulders from €329
  • Belly woman normal from €119
  • Stripe on belly (breast pubis) from €58
  • Stripe on belly (navel – pubis) from €58
  • Belly man from €179
  • Chest + belly man from €329
  • Upper legs from €180
  • Lower legs from €180
  • Upper legs + bikini line from €283
  • Lower legs + bikini line from €283
  • Arms from €222
  • Upper arms from €129
  • Forearms including elbows from €117
  • Bikini line extended + whole legs from €399
  • Armpits from €101 temporary promotion €58.00 euro

  • Upper lip and chin from €101
  • Cheeks from €58
  • Sideburns from €58
  • Eyebrow inbetween from €58
  • Neck from €70
  • Face from €150
  • Face including neck from €179
  • Chin from €58
  • Upperlip from €58

  • Bikini line extended + face from €272
  • Bikini line extended + lower legs from €303
  • Bikini line extended + entire legs from €446 - temporary price €362
  • Armpits + bikini line extended from €208
  • Armpits + face from €178
  • Armpits + lower legs from €239

Table of contents

Laser hair removal - Free consultation - Your skin, our care - Huidtherapeut NL (8)


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Laser hair removal - Free consultation - Your skin, our care - Huidtherapeut NL (2024)


Do I need a consultation before laser hair removal? ›

All potential clients will undergo a full consultation prior to any laser hair removal treatment. This allows the practitioner to determine the following important factors: Contraindications (to ascertain if the procedure may be harmful to you) Skin type.

How much does laser hair removal cost in the Netherlands? ›

Popular Packages
TreatmentPrices per sessionSingle30 % OffBuy 6x50 % Off
Full Face€59 €42€30
Full Legs€129 €91€65
Full Legs, Brazilian & Armpits€185 €130€93
Full Legs, Brazilian incl. Perianal & Armpits€199 €140€100
6 more rows

How many laser sessions are hair free? ›

Generally, clients need about two to six laser treatments in order to completely get rid of hair. You can expect to see about a 10% to 25% reduction in hair after your first treatment. As you continue your treatments, more and more hair will fall out, and you'll notice that it continues to grow back more slowly.

What no one tells you about laser hair removal? ›

Fact — Laser hair treatments don't work as well, and sometimes not at all on very fair or blond hair. The laser hair removal treatment requires pigment in the hair, or the beam of light will not reach the hair follicle. Hair that is gray or blond has less pigment, which can make laser hair removal ineffective.

What happens during a laser hair consultation? ›

During your laser hair removal consultation be prepared to discuss: Your goals. Medical conditions, drug allergies and medical treatments. Current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drug use.

What happens in a laser hair removal consultation? ›

The consultation will give us an opportunity to establish if laser hair removal will be safe and effective for you. We will need to ask you some questions about your general health and any medication you might be on.

Why laser hair removal is so expensive? ›

These factors include the cost of maintenance and repair for the machines, the cost of training and certification for technicians who operate them, and the overhead costs associated with running a medical spa or clinic.

Which country is best for laser hair removal? ›

The United States, Brazil, South Korea, Turkey, Thailand, and Spain are among the top countries for laser hair removal, each offering unique advantages for medical tourists.

Is laser more expensive than waxing? ›

Laser hair removal is much more expensive than a single waxing session. But as a long-term hair removal method, it can actually be more cost-effective over time. Plus, many laser clinics offer payment plans and financing options to make payments more manageable. Laser hair removal is a process.

Why can't you shower after laser hair removal? ›

It's recommended to wait at least 6-8 hours after a laser hair removal session before taking a shower; which should be cold or very mild. This gives the skin time to cool down and for any redness or swelling to subside. At Skin Perfection; London's Top Laser Hair Removal Clinic; we recommend you to avoid hot showers.

How painful is laser hair removal? ›

Though there is some pain, it's often less than people imagine. Laser hair removal targets your hair follicles with a very hot laser, but you won't feel this heat or any burning. Instead, you might feel a sensation similar to having an elastic band snapped against your skin.

What happens if I stop laser hair removal after 4 sessions? ›

If treatment is stopped before all of the hair follicles have been destroyed, some may continue to grow. It is important to complete the recommended treatment plan to achieve the best results. Sometimes, the patient sees hairs are thicker and darker after the treatment when they have original light and fair hair.

What is negative to laser hair removal? ›

Rarely, laser hair removal can cause blistering, crusting, scarring or other changes in skin texture. Other rare side effects include graying of treated hair or excessive hair growth around treated areas, particularly on darker skin.

Do people ever regret laser hair removal? ›

Regret usually stems from choosing the wrong provider. While laser hair removal itself is rarely regrettable, what can lead to regret is choosing the wrong provider. A cheap, inexperienced clinic may use outdated equipment or incorrect techniques, leading to less effective treatment or even unwanted side-effects.

What makes you a bad candidate for laser hair removal? ›

People who are taking certain medications, such as acne treatments, should avoid laser hair removal. It can also be a bad fit for people with certain skin conditions, like a history of skin cancer or keloid scars. Women who are pregnant or nursing should also put off hair removal.

Why do I need a laser consultation? ›

Without a consultation, both you and your therapist are driving blind. The pre-treatment consultation allows your laser therapist to better get to know you and your skin type, and is an opportunity for you to better understand what your treatment will entail.

How do I prepare for laser hair removal? ›

If you're wondering how to prepare for laser hair removal, below is a quick guide for you:
  1. Consider your medical history. ...
  2. Limit sun exposure. ...
  3. Don't wax or tweeze the treatment area. ...
  4. Shave the treatment area. ...
  5. Stop bleaching your hair. ...
  6. Arrive with a clean skin. ...
  7. Wear loose clothing. ...
  8. Don't use skin products for 24 hours.
Feb 15, 2023

How long does hair have to be for laser consultation? ›

Please read carefully the following instructions to follow – prior to each laser hair removal treatment: For the treatment shave 1-3 days before, the hair needs to be just appearing through the skin surface…. So 1-2mm – this is important for the effectiveness of the treatment.

How to prep for laser hair removal consult? ›

Arrive with Clean Skin

Do not use any cream, oil, sunscreen, deodorant, or makeup. If you really aren't able to avoid these products, ask for a wipe once you arrive so that you can clean off your skin before treatment. You will also have to stop using self-tanning treatments for two weeks before your appointment.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.