Light Therapy for Anxiety: A Natural Solution (2024)

Therapy through exposure to artificial daylight is called light therapy. It delivers treated light and gives the sensation of sunlight during the therapy process. This process is also called bright light therapy or phototherapy.

Light therapy is a natural treatment for various health issues. It is routinely used for anxiety and winter blues. You can take antidepressants, but they are expensive. Light therapy is a less costly and more effective alternative.

Our discussion in this article will focus on light therapy, its procedure, and the benefits offered by the process. Moreover, we will tell you how to obtain the best results from light therapy so that you can live a stress-free life.

Let's get to it!

How does light therapy work?

Light therapy, according to scientists, works on multiple levels. Regular use in the morning can correct any irregularities in the circadian rhythm, also known as the body clock. High light levels are produced by specially designed lamps that mimic the sun.

Light therapy utilizes the body's natural response to light. The process stimulates the brain's production of neurochemicals associated with good moods. This explains why some people who do not get enough bright light suffer from mental health issues, a lack of motivation, and a lack of energy.

While lying in the sun can produce similar results to light therapy, it is only sometimes practical. Because of their hectic work and home schedules, most people lack time. They require regular light therapy sessions scheduled at specific times. This helps them reset and maintain their circadian rhythm.

Regular exposure to sunlight is required for our bodies to produce the hormones melatonin and serotonin. Unfortunately, we rarely get enough of it. This is why most people suffer from the symptoms of the most common mental illness called Generalized anxiety disorder.

You can compensate for some of the lost sunlight by wearing light therapy glasses for 20 to 30 minutes each morning. This procedure has many psychological benefits. It will assist you in increasing the production of those brain chemicals without any medication. As a result, you will feel better all day long.

Can light therapyanxiety help?

Light Therapy for Anxiety: A Natural Solution (1)

With the help of light therapy, anxiety and winter blues can be successfully managed and improved. Bright light therapy can help people cope with anxiety by causing their bodies to produce melatonin, which allows them to sleep.

Lack of rest also results in anxiety. Circadian rhythms are so crucial for helping us regulate our sleeping patterns. Any disruption in our sleep patterns may result in mood disorders and irritability during the day.

Those with difficulty falling or staying asleep may benefit from bright light therapy. There have been studies on the use of lightbox therapy for anxiety. They have shown this kind of therapy helps people suffering from anxiety rest better and feel better.

Do psychotherapists recommend light therapy for Anxiety?

Light Therapy for Anxiety: A Natural Solution (2)

Psychotherapists commonly recommend light therapy as a natural remedy for anxiety and winter blues. Light therapy effectively treats anxiety, extremely low mood, insomnia, winter blues, and other mental health issues.

It might be a good idea to try light therapy as a natural anxiety treatment for various reasons. Light therapy can replace or reduce the need for antidepressant medication for anxiety.

It can also lessen or even eliminate the need for other addictive medications. This is incredibly encouraging for people trying to avoid taking medication because they are anxious.

Somedoctors claimthat light therapy can enhance the therapeutic effects of psychotherapy. It is instrumental in curing most mental disorders. Light therapy can improve the efficacy of both antidepressant medications and anxiety treatments.

Benefits of light therapy for anxiety

The use of light therapy has many advantages for people who suffer from anxiety. Below are some of the benefits of light therapy for anxiety.

Increases the ability to handle emotion

Phototherapy light can help you improve your emotional intelligence and treat extremely low mood. Light therapy boosts our mood by stimulating the production of serotonin and other chemicals in our bodies.

Low serotonin levels are a significant contributor to mood disorders in humans. The majority of the 40 million brain cells, including those that control our emotions, are affected by serotonin.

When our serotonin levels are higher, our moods are easier to control, and we are less likely to develop related mental conditions. Light therapy raises serotonin levels, allowing us to better manage our moods.

You can also use light therapy as a cure for insomnia. Light therapy improves sleep quality while also improving activity and rest.

Improves sleep quality which lowers anxiety symptoms

Light Therapy for Anxiety: A Natural Solution (3)

The use of light therapy can improve your sleep quality, thereby reducing anxiety. Sunlight is the primary source of melatonin production in our bodies. Light therapy mimics sunlight and can increase melatonin production in our bodies.

Melatonin regulates our circadian rhythm, also known as our sleep-wake cycle. Low melatonin levels have been linked to a variety of sleep disorders. A 20-30-minute light therapy session in the morning can simulate the rising sun, produce more melatonin, and treat anxiety symptoms.

It is critical for a good sleep because the human sleep-wake cycle and circadian rhythm are extremely sensitive to light.

Use blue light treatment for sleep disorders at the right time of day. According to research, it canhelp one's sleep-wake cyclecoincide with the preferred sleep schedule.

Getting more sleep improves your physical health along with your mental health. Getting enough sleep also lowers anxiety and improves the brain's capacity to handle fear or anger.

Improve focus and energy

Light Therapy for Anxiety: A Natural Solution (4)

Improved focus and energy are also a benefit of light therapy. Serotonin regulates many functions in your body, and one of the many is energy regulation. Higher serotonin levels are associated with more energy.

Bright light treatment can provide significant advantages if you suffer from anxiety. You may feel less energized during the winter due to low serotonin levels because less bright light is available.

Light therapy glasses emit up to 1,500 LUX (equivalent to 10,000 LUX produced by a light lamp), tricking our bodies into producing serotonin and thus increasing energy levels. The higher your energy, the higher your focus.

Through artificial light exposure, we are more energized, and our productivity and ability to focus both improve. When our serotonin levels are higher, we feel happier. Having a good mood is another factor that boosts productivity. When we are happy, our bodies produce more serotonin, improving our health and circadian rhythm.

To stay productive and energetic, light exposure is critical for your body regularly. Sunlight is scarce in the winter morning. Bright light treatment is an effective alternative that can produce even better results.

Which color light helps anxiety?

Some of the light spectrum colors have a positive effect on the body. They help in reducing anxiety and improve mood by stimulating certain brain functions. Below are descriptions of the different types of anxiety light that help with mood disorders.

Blue light therapy

Blue light therapy is the most effective for anxiety and other mood disorders. This treatment aims to correct both physiological and psychological imbalances. When the body is stressed, blue light can effectively calm it.

Blue light has the most energy of any color in the electromagnetic spectrum. It can "kickstart" our day by simulating the psychological effects of a sunny day with blue skies.

Knowing when to use blue light therapy for depression is critical. Blue light exposure before bedtime can disrupt our circadian rhythm. This regulates our sleep patterns. Too much blue light will affect our hormones and neurotransmission.

Darker blues promote feelings of security and comfort, as well as creativity. If you're looking to unwind with a creative project after a long day, this is the color to use.

Red light therapy

Red light anxiety therapy is used to energize or revivify someone who may be feeling down or worn out. It has a reputation for boosting the body's metabolism and treating depression. It is said that the color red binds us to the earth.

Red light has also been shown to have the ability to calm people. This phenomenon is most likely explained by red light's wavelength. Due to the longer wavelength of red light in the rainbow, your eyes are less sensitive to higher-wavelength light. Therefore, you are less likely to react to it than other colors.

Since red light does not have a strong reaction on your body, it may calm you. Red, however, may also agitate those who may already be tense. Therefore, its effect may vary from person to person.

Purple light therapy

Purple light is a combination of blue and red light. It is said to have some advantages in both colors. Purple wavelengths are also particularly stimulating to the nervous system and eyes, which aids in the relaxation of the mind and the reduction of anxiety.

Purple is a highly effective color in bright light therapy. Its extravagance promotes inspiration, creativity, and tranquility. Purple light therapy inspires creativity and motivation when you're feeling overwhelmed or unable to accomplish all your creative goals.

Purple is an ethereal color associated with magic and the cosmos. It has a magical quality because, unlike other colors, it cannot be directly associated with any of the primary natural elements.

This psychological association can help us quiet our racing thoughts by putting us in a more contemplative frame of mind.

How to obtain the best result when using light therapy to cope with anxiety?

Light therapy is an effective and all-natural treatment for anxiety. You can increase its effectiveness by ensuring a few things, such as using the right product and using it regularly in the morning.

It would help if you used the appropriate lamp when using light therapy. The lamp must emit enough bright light to achieve the intended effect of light therapy, which is to mimic the effects of sunlight. Up to 1,500 LUX produced by light therapy glasses is very effective at alleviating symptoms of anxiety.

Light Therapy for Anxiety: A Natural Solution (5)

The higher the light is, the better the result. Additionally, you should ensure that the bright light always remains at eye level. This will give your body another chance to mimic the effect of bright light and bring positive changes.

Having trouble choosing the right therapy product? We've got you covered. Lucimed is a Belgian company specializing in light therapy products. Theirlight therapy glassesare the perfect product for the phototherapy process.

Aside from emitting the right amount of light, they are also placed at eye level. Thus ensuring that you obtain the best results from the whole process.

You should also ensure a few other things to achieve the best results. Light therapy should be done regularly every morning. This will ensure that your body gets enough bright light to produce the necessary chemicals, such as serotonin, in your body.

Daily use will help you treat anxiety and low mood throughout your day. Another thing to look out for is that your daily sessions should be at most 30 minutes. Anything in excess can have adverse effects, and the same applies here. Thus, ensure your bright light therapy sessions are at most 20-25 minutes.

Blue light therapy should be combined with other lifestyle choices such as exercise, healthy eating, and wellness. The benefits of bright light can improve one's mental health, physical fitness, and quality of life.

Light Therapy for Anxiety: A Natural Solution (6)


Light therapy aims to mimic the sun's effects by exposing the body to high amounts of light. This process is a proven cure for anxiety. Your bodies produce chemicals like dopamine and serotonin when exposed to bright light. This helps boost your mood and increase energy.

There are multiple advantages involved in light therapy. These primarily include boosted focus and energy. Bright light therapy increases your ability to handle emotions and cures stress-related problems. Light therapy produces melatonin in our bodies which helps us sleep better.

If you are interested in finding the right product for light therapy, you should visit Lucimed. You will find the most effectivebright light productsat the lowest price.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What light helps with anxiety?

Morning light is the most beneficial for preventing circadian disruption, which can lead to depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

How long does it take for light therapy to work?

The good news is that red light therapy for anxiety benefits your body right away. However, repeated sessions are required for longer-lasting effects. The best results are typically obtained over 3-6 months if you useLucimed productsfor treatments regularly. Although you may notice or feel some minor effects right away.

Who should not use light therapy?

The main contraindications for using light therapy are diseases that affect the retina of the eye, such as diabetes. So is the use of photosensitizing medications, such as lithium, melatonin, phenothiazine antipsychotics, and some antibiotics.

What color light helps with depression?

Good white is the most efficient against depression. However, Lucimed uses a safe white light with saturated blue light and a maximum wavelength of 468 nm. This increases the effectiveness and causes less strain on the eyes.

How long does it take for light therapy to work?

Typically, you should use it for 20 to 30 minutes per day in the morning. However, the intensity of the light matters, too.

What color light is most calming?

By far the best calming light color for sleep is rich white light.

Is light therapy safe?

Lucimeds LED light therapy for anxiety is a relatively risk-free procedure. When purchasing eyeglasses or a home device, look for the "FDA-cleared" or "FDA-approved" label.

Light Therapy for Anxiety: A Natural Solution (2024)


Light Therapy for Anxiety: A Natural Solution? ›

Light therapy can also be effective in treating anxiety disorders. By regulating the circadian rhythm and increasing serotonin production, it can help improve sleep quality, which is often disrupted in people with anxiety. Light therapy can also improve overall mood, helping reduce anxiety symptoms.

Does light therapy work for anxiety? ›

Light therapy effectively treats anxiety, extremely low mood, insomnia, winter blues, and other mental health issues. It might be a good idea to try light therapy as a natural anxiety treatment for various reasons. Light therapy can replace or reduce the need for antidepressant medication for anxiety.

How I cured my anxiety disorder naturally? ›

Natural remedies for anxiety and stress
  1. Meditation. Meditation can help to slow racing thoughts, making it easier to manage stress and anxiety. ...
  2. Relaxation exercises. ...
  3. Journaling. ...
  4. Aromatherapy. ...
  5. Cannabidiol oil. ...
  6. Herbal teas. ...
  7. Herbal supplements. ...
  8. Time with animals.

What color light is best for anxiety? ›

Blue: It is a mentally relaxing color that has a pacifying effect on the nervous system and brings great relaxation.

What is the 3 3 3 trick for anxiety? ›

You can use the 333 rule for anxiety in the moment something triggers you. Just look around to identify 3 objects and 3 sounds, then move 3 body parts. Many people find this strategy helps focus and ground them when anxiety seems overwhelming. The 333 rule is a common and informal technique for coping with anxiety.

How long does it take for light therapy to be effective? ›

It usually takes a few days for symptoms to improve, but it could take a couple of weeks. Once your symptoms improve, you can stop or reduce light therapy.

Is light therapy proven to work? ›

Research shows red light therapy may smooth your skin and help with wrinkles. Researchers think it does this by stimulating collagen production, which helps improve skin elasticity. Research shows it also helps improve signs of sun damage. Research has found that red light therapy can be effective for acne treatment.

What is the strongest natural anti-anxiety medication? ›

Is there an effective herbal treatment for anxiety?
  • Kava. Some people use kava as a short-term treatment for anxiety. ...
  • Passion flower. A few small clinical trials have suggested that passion flower might help with anxiety. ...
  • Valerian. ...
  • Chamomile. ...
  • Lavender. ...
  • Lemon balm.
Mar 27, 2024

What is the number one vitamin for anxiety? ›

What Vitamins Are Good for Anxiety? #1 Vitamin C. #2 Vitamin B1 (thiamine) #3 Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)

Has anyone completely cured anxiety? ›

Since it's a natural part of the human condition, anxiety is not completely curable.

What color triggers anxiety? ›

Colors like red and orange increase anxiety and stress, sometimes even fear. Red and orange are associated with an emergency that can elicit images of emergency vehicles with their lights and sirens on.

What color light calms the brain? ›

Red light is by far the best calming light color for sleep. Choosing a red light as a nightlight ensures that you don't disrupt your circadian rhythm. So switching to a red light a few hours before going to bed will surely help you fall asleep easier.

What does purple light do to your brain? ›

Research has shown that exposure to light of different colors can have measurable effects on the brain and body. In the case of purple, it has been observed that purple light can stimulate the production of serotonin, a chemical substance related to the regulation of mood and well-being.

What is the trick to calm anxiety? ›

Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind to help reduce stress. Recent research shows mindfulness meditation may be as effective at reducing anxiety as medication for some people.

What is the anxiety trick? ›

The Anxiety Trick is this: You experience Discomfort, and get fooled into treating it like Danger. What do we do when we're in danger? We only have three things: Fight, Flight, and Freeze. If it looks weaker than me, I'll fight it. If it looks stronger than me, but slower, I'll run away.

What is the 12345 anxiety trick? ›

It involves identifying 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. By doing so, it helps shift your focus from anxiety-provoking thoughts to the present moment.

Is light therapy as effective as antidepressants? ›

"For both seasonal and nonseasonal depression, the effectiveness of light therapy is approximately the same as antidepressant medications, or popular forms of psychotherapy such as cognitive behavioral therapy," says Dr.

Who should not use red light therapy? ›

The major contraindications for the use of light therapy are diseases that involve the retina of the eye, such as diabetes, and the use of photosensitizing medications like lithium, melatonin, phenothiazine antipsychotics, and certain antibiotics.

Does exposure therapy get rid of anxiety? ›

According to an article published in the Psychiatric Times, participants who engaged in exposure therapy studies reported a 90% reduction in their anxiety symptoms and a 65% decrease in their phobia.

Does a sun lamp help with anxiety? ›

The light from a sun lamp is believed to have a positive impact on serotonin and melatonin. These chemicals help control your sleep and wake cycle. Serotonin also helps reduce anxiety and improve mood. Low levels of serotonin have been linked to depression.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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