Mengenal Teknologi IPL yang Digunakan untuk Treatment Hair Underarm Removal (2024) - 06/10/2023, 13:02 WIB

Nur Melati Syamdani,
Agung Dwi E

Tim Redaksi

Nur Melati Syamdani Penulis Agung Dwi E Editor – Selain wajah, rambut, dan kulit, ketiak turut memengaruhi kepercayaan diri perempuan. Berdasarkan riset terhadap 100 perempuan usia 18-35 tahun di 10 kota besar Indonesia pada 2019, 54 persen di antaranya sepakat bahwa kondisi ketiak berpengaruh terhadap self-esteem mereka.

Kemudian, 56 persen responden menyebut bahwa kondisi ketiak cerah dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan diri. Dari skala 1-10, kenaikan kepercayaan diri yang dirasakan mencapai lima poin.

Karena itu, banyak perempuan melakukan perawatan pada ketiak, seperti memotong rambut di bagian tersebut. Selain meningkatkan kepercayaan diri, perawatan tersebut juga memberikan sejumlah manfaat.

Pertama, melembutkan kulit ketiak. Kedua, membantu mengurangi bau badan di area ketiak. Ketiga, mengurangi kulit gelap di area ketiak.

Mengenal Teknologi IPL yang Digunakan untuk Treatment Hair Underarm Removal (5)Dok. Eva Mulia Ilustrasi mencukur ketiak


Di antara berbagai perawatan, intense pulsed light (IPL) bisa menjadi pilihan untuk memotong rambut ketiak. Dilansir dari, Rabu (5/4/2023), teknologi ini bekerja dengan memancarkan beberapa tipe gelombang cahaya, seperti merah, kuning, hijau, serta infrared, yang ditargetkan pada melanin dan hemoglobin di kulit. Karena itu, IPL dapat menghilangkan rambut ketiak.

Dengan memaparkan gelombang cahaya tersebut, pigmen yang berada pada folikel rambut dapat terangkat. Dengan demikian, akar rambut dapat rusak serta pertumbuhan rambut akan terhambat secara perlahan dan bertahap.

Berbeda dengan waxing, treatment dengan IPL tidak menimbulkan rasa sakit. Hasil yang didapat pun lebih maksimal. Sebab, ketika tumbuh lagi, rambut ketiak jadi lebih halus dan jarang, serta tidak kaku dan kasar, seperti hasil waxing.

Meski demikian, Anda yang menginginkan perawatan tersebut perlu mengetahui langkah-langkah pengerjaannya.

Di Eva Mulia Clinic, misalnya, treatment IPL akan diawali dengan berkonsultasi kepada dokter. Lalu, Anda diminta masuk ke ruang tindakan.

Setelah itu, bagian ketiak akan dibersihkan dan rambut dicukur terlebih dahulu. Kemudian, ketiak akan dioleskan gel untuk memberikan sensasi dingin dan nyaman.

Selanjutnya, tindakan penyinaran dengan IPL dilakukan. Setelah selesai, ketiak akan dibersihkan dan dikompres dengan handuk dingin.

Untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal, Anda perlu memperhatikan beberapa hal. Pertama, pastikan ketiak dalam kondisi lembap sebelum treatment. Kedua, kompres ketiak dengan handuk dingin bila terjadi kemerahan pasca-treatment. Ketiga, jangan gunakan sabun yang mengandung scrub.

Keempat, gunakan air dingin saat mandi. Kelima, disarankan untuk mencukur rambut ketiak selama proses rontok. Terakhir, hindari berenang, olahraga, dan pemakaian deodoran selama 48 jam pasca-treatment.

Adapun treatment tersebut dapat dilakukan seminggu sekali selama satu bulan. Setelah itu, dapat diulang sebulan sekali untuk perawatan. Hasil treatment setiap orang dapat berbeda, tergantung dengan jenis pertumbuhan rambutnya.

Sebagai informasi treatment hair removal underarms menggunakan IPL di Eva Mulia Clinic dapat dilakukan di cabang Jakarta, Tangerang, dan Bekasi. Informasi lebih lengkapterkait treatment ini bisa didapat dengan menghubungi WhatsApp atau website Eva Mulia Clinic

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Mengenal Teknologi IPL yang Digunakan untuk Treatment Hair Underarm Removal (2024)


Does IPL remove armpit hair? ›

During the treatment, the IPL device is moved over the area of the body to be treated. The light is converted into heat, which destroys the hair root. This weakens and deactivates hair growth. If your goal is permanent underarm hair removal, then you'll get long-lasting results with regular application.

How many IPL sessions does it take to remove armpit hair? ›

6-8 Treatments | 4-6 Weeks

The underarms are also another hormonal part of the body as the hair is produced after puberty, so you can expect about six to eight treatments every six weeks before seeing optimal results.

Is IPL effective for underarm whitening? ›

IPL penetrates deeply into the dermis to disperse dark pigmentation. As the light interacts with the skin, it directly targets dark pigments in the underarms, lightening them. This lightening effect becomes immediately visible after the treatment, leaving your skin feeling smoother and revitalized.

How many IPL treatments do I need for hair removal? ›

To get the very best results from IPL therapy, we recommend that our patients do 5 IPL (intense pulsed light) treatments, performed 4 weeks apart.

What is the best method for underarm hair removal? ›

Underarm Waxing is the most sought-after option for underarm hair Removal. Underarm Waxing is one of the best ways to remove underarm hair. It removes the underarm hair quickly and keeps the area hair-free for a long time. However, using hot wax is messy and can cause burns if not used properly.

How long does IPL underarm last? ›

Keep in mind that, while laser hair removal is marketed as “permanent,” you will likely need follow-up treatments in the future to maintain your smooth underarms. You may need maintenance treatments every 6 to 12 months, or whenever the hair regrows.

Is it possible to remove 100% of hairs with IPL? ›

“I will NEVER EVER have any hair after IPL hair removal”

We cannot promise 100% permanent hair removal. We can also only treat active hairs (in the 'anagen' cycle).

Is underarm IPL worth it? ›

With regular use, you can achieve long-term hair reduction in your underarms. Cost-effective: Buying an IPL device may seem expensive at first, but in the long run, it's much more cost-effective than going to a salon for hair removal treatments.

Will armpit hair grow back after laser? ›

Once your course of treatment is complete, you may not see regrowth for many years. On the body, laser hair removal may provide permanent or very long-lasting results. Over time, any hair that does grow back should be very sparse and fine.

What is the best IPL for underarms? ›

Braun Silk Expert IPL Hair Removal System

Its glide mode can be helpful to cover larger surface areas, along with two other mode options and a precision head to address smaller areas that may be difficult to reach, like the bikini line or underarms.

Can I use deodorant after IPL underarm? ›

It is essential to wait at least 24-48 hours after laser hair removal before using any deodorant or antiperspirant, as this can lead to skin irritation, redness, and even blistering. Allowing the area ample time for healing and recovery will help achieve optimum results from your treatment!

Does IPL bleach skin? ›

Hence, it's safe to say that light skin is however not the direct result of IPL but is a by-product of this magical process. The answer is yes. If you go for IPL for your hair removal, along with various other benefits you will get a lighter skin tone too.

What happens if I use IPL every day? ›

We know you're SO excited to experience permanent hair removal, but we do not recommend using your device more than twice per week. Using IPL every day may result in irritation – and it won't work as well, anyway!

Does IPL remove hair immediately? ›

Contrary to other treatments, hairs are not vaporised by IPL treatment. The hair follicles are killed by the heat but the hairs remain in the skin and often become attached to the epidermis. They will fall out after 1 to 3 weeks as the epidermis is renewed.

What happens if you don't remove hair before IPL? ›

Quite simply the hair will absorb the energy that was meant to penetrate under the skin in the first place. The energy would burn the hair, leaving the skin with marks and scarring. While wasting away on the surface level of the skin.

Does IPL affect underarms? ›

This method helps to prevent ingrown hairs and it can also improve the dark patches of skin you might have in or around your underarms. When the hair is not growing back, it will not cause that shadow effect on your underarms. IPL works by using light and energy to destroy the hair follicle and root.

What level of IPL is used for underarms? ›

For other body parts, you can adjust the level accordingly. Suggested levels: Levels 1-3 for armpits, bikini area, lips, and levels 4-5 for arms, legs, back, etc.

Does IPL get rid of body hair? ›

IPL hair removal is a progressive treatment that offers full body hair removal - but you can use IPL to treat separate areas, such as your arms, legs, or pubic area, depending on your individual needs. When using IPL, you'll hold a flashgun device that delivers a spectrum of light to the skin.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.