Shedding after Laser Hair Removal | Skin Technique (2024)

Shedding after Laser Hair Removal | Skin Technique (1)

Laser hair removal is an excellent alternative to traditional hair removal methods like shaving and waxing. It’s a more permanent solution to help you eliminate unwanted hair. However, laser hair removal has some side effects, including temporary skin irritation and shedding. This blog post will discuss what shedding after laser hair removal is, why it happens, and how to deal with it.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Treatment Work?

Laser hair removal treatment uses waves of safe and effective laser energy deep into your hair follicles. The melanin absorbs the light in the hair shaft, which heats up and damages the follicle. This damage prevents the follicle from producing new hair cells, resulting in permanent hair removal.

Over time, this damages the follicles and prevents them from being able to produce new hair. The number of treatments required varies from person to person, but most people see a significant reduction in hair growth after just a few sessions.

Laser hair removal (LHR) is a relatively quick and painless way to achieve permanent hair removal, making it an increasingly popular choice for both men and women.

Learn About The Hair Growth Cycle

The hair growth cycle is a complex process, but understanding it can help to understand the laser hair removal process.

Anagen: The anagen phase is the growth cycle of hair. It is during this phase that LHR is most effective. This is because, during the anagen phase, hair is visible on the skin’s surface, moving heat down the strand and into the hair follicle.

Catagen: The catagen stage is a transitional phase of the hair cycle, during which the hair follicle shrinks and the hair shaft detaches from the blood supply. This stage typically lasts for 2-3 weeks, and during this time, LHR will not be as effective because the hair itself is already dead.

Telogen: Although it is most effective when the hair is in the active growth phase, known as the anagen stage, it can also be used on hair in the resting phase, known as telogen. However, treatment during telogen is less effective as the hair is not visible above the skin’s surface.

Why do Hairs Start to Shed After Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

It is not uncommon for treated hairs to start falling out in the days following the procedure. Many people worry that this means the treatment has not been effective, but this is a sign that the laser has done its job. When the laser targets the hair follicle, it damages the root of the hair.

This damage signals to the body that the hair is no longer needed and will eventually be shed. In most cases, this occurs 1 to 3 weeks after your LHR treatment, and it sometimes looks like blackheads or stubble.

Why My Hair Isn’t Falling Out Right After the Laser Hair Treatments?

It can take several weeks for this damage to take effect fully. In the meantime, the old hair continues to grow and shed normally. So while you may not see an immediate reduction in hair growth after laser treatment, rest assured that the treatments are working and that, eventually, you will see a significant decrease in hair growth.

Is There Any Way to Speed up the Process of Shedding Hair?

Shedding is a good sign that the treatments are working, but you can help to speed up the process by exfoliating your skin after each session. Exfoliating helps to remove any dead skin cells that may be trapping hair underneath, allowing the laser to penetrate more quickly and increasing the chances of successful treatment. Depending on your skin’s sensitivity, you can exfoliate 1-3 times per week after LHR treatments.

How Many Laser Hair Removal Treatments Do I Need?

The number of treatments required for complete hair removal varies from person to person, but most people need between three and eight sessions. Laser hair removal treatment is a safe and effective alternative to traditional hair removal methods, such as waxing and shaving.

Post-Care After Laser Hair Treatment

While laser hair removal is considered a safe and effective treatment option, a few post-care guidelines should be followed to ensure optimal results. First, it is important to avoid sun exposure immediately following the treatment. This will help to prevent any additional damage to the skin. It is also essential to avoid using any harsh chemicals or scrubs on the treated area for at least 24 hours. Finally, keeping the site clean and dry is advisable to promote healing. These simple post-care tips can help you get the most out of your laser hair removal treatment.

Shedding after Laser Hair Removal | Skin Technique (2024)


Shedding after Laser Hair Removal | Skin Technique? ›

When the laser targets the hair follicle, it damages the root of the hair. This damage signals to the body that the hair is no longer needed and will eventually be shed. In most cases, this occurs 1 to 3 weeks after your LHR treatment, and it sometimes looks like blackheads or stubble.

How to speed up shedding process after laser hair removal? ›

Exfoliate gently: Two to three days after your treatment, start gentle exfoliation to help remove dead skin cells and expedite hair shedding. Use a soft washcloth or an exfoliating scrub designed for sensitive skin.

Is it okay to pull out shedding hair after laser? ›

Be patient with the treated area, and after a few weeks the hairs will fall out without further provoking. For best results, leaving the treated area(s) alone is recommended as the targeted hairs will complete their growth cycle, shed, and because the follicle has been destroyed, there will be no regrowth.

What does shedding look like laser hair removal? ›

Shedding after laser hair removal can look different depending on the individual's hair type and texture. For people with coarse, thick hair, the shedding may be more noticeable and appear as clumps of hair falling out.

Is it normal for skin to peel after laser hair removal? ›

If you notice flaky, dry skin after getting laser treatments, don't worry – that's exactly what's supposed to happen! This process can take a few weeks, but when it's all said and done, you'll get to enjoy your new smooth, radiant complexion.

How do you get rid of stubble after laser? ›

Gently exfoliate the treatment area with a scrub or washcloth around three times a week to remove dead skin cells and reduce the appearance of blackheads or stubble. Avoid sun exposure and wear SPF lotion daily in between treatments. Don't use tanning beds for at least six weeks after each session.

How can I maximize my laser hair removal results? ›

Shaving and exfoliating can increase follicular activity, making the following laser treatment more effective. Another tip suggested by experts is to pay attention to hair growth during laser hair removal treatment. Some localized areas may grow more quickly than others. This is a detail to share with your provider.

Does shedding mean laser is working? ›

It is not uncommon for treated hairs to start falling out in the days following the procedure. Many people worry that this means the treatment has not been effective, but this is a sign that the laser has done its job. When the laser targets the hair follicle, it damages the root of the hair.

How to remove dead hair follicles after laser? ›

You can help speed up the process by gently exfoliating the area with a loofah or exfoliating scrub. However, if the black dots are a sign of new hair growth, it's important to avoid removing them. Removing the hair prematurely can lead to ingrown hairs or other skin irritation.

How long does it take for lasered hair to fall out? ›

Hairs do not fall out immediately, but you will shed them over a period of days to weeks. This may look like continued hair growth. The repeated treatments are usually necessary because hair growth and loss naturally occur in a cycle, and laser treatment works best with hair follicles in the new-growth stage.

Why do I look hairier after laser hair removal? ›

The appearance of increased hair growth after laser hair removal can be concerning, but it's important to understand that this is a normal part of the treatment process. Hair shedding, hair growth cycles, and misconceptions about hair growth can all contribute to the perception of increased hairiness.

How can I tell if laser hair removal is working? ›

Laser treatment begins working immediately after the first appointment. You'll first see hair falling out of treated areas within a day or two. Soon after that, you'll notice smoother skin. Once your treatment plan is complete, the results will last typically longer than waxing and can last for years.

What happens if I stop laser hair removal after 4 sessions? ›

If treatment is stopped before all of the hair follicles have been destroyed, some may continue to grow. It is important to complete the recommended treatment plan to achieve the best results. Sometimes, the patient sees hairs are thicker and darker after the treatment when they have original light and fair hair.

How to speed up shedding after laser hair removal? ›

You can speed up hair shedding after laser hair removal by gently exfoliating your skin a couple of times a week following treatment.

Is laser skin peeling good? ›

Benefits. Laser treatments are superior to chemical peels in how controllable and precise it is. It's easier to just target an acne scar or a few spots on the skin with a laser. The laser is also better for deep collagen remodeling.

Is it bad to pull out loose hairs after laser hair removal? ›

Pulling out loose hair after a laser hair removal session is not recommended. It disrupts the hair growth cycle; when hairs are loose it means the hair is in its cycle of removal. If it's removed before it dies on its own, it could stimulate hair to grow again.

How can I speed up laser removal? ›

You can take steps to strengthen your immune system so that it can do its job efficiently and get rid of ink particles quickly after each laser treatment.
  1. Refrain from smoking. ...
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Jan 20, 2023

Why is my hair not falling out after laser hair removal? ›

It might be that not enough time has passed post-treatment for the hair to shed. Or it could mean that the laser wasn't able to effectively target the hair follicles because it wasn't in the right growth phase yet, so the laser couldn't treat it.

What happens if you don't exfoliate after laser hair removal? ›

5-14 days after treatment

If you don't exfoliate these hairs some may become trapped so it's best to lightly exfoliate every few days to avoid this. If you continue to shave you may not notice this happening but it is nothing to worry about, it is a sign treatment has been effective.

Why am I still hairy after laser hair removal? ›

Patients may notice more hair 1 – 3 weeks after laser hair removal sessions as follicles in the growing cycle begin to shed. During this process, exfoliating the skin, once swelling and redness have dissipated, can help hairs shed faster, leaving skin feeling smoother.

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