What Makes Us Look Older? | Convenient Locations (2024)


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What Makes Us Look Older?

Here at Partridge Plastic Surgery, our team of board-certified plastic surgeons provides a wide range of services to the community of Princeton, NJ, and North Brunswick, NJ that can help you look younger and more confident with your appearance. Contact us today to get comprehensive and specialized care.

What Makes Us Look Older? | Convenient Locations (9)
What Makes Us Look Older? | Convenient Locations (10)

Table of Contents:

What features make us look older?
What features make you look younger?
How can I stop my face from aging?

Do you offer any treatments to help us look younger?

Whether you’re looking to naturally enhance one of your gorgeous features or make a bold new change, our team can help find the right treatment for you. We provide services including breast augmentation, cosmetic injectables, eyebrow lifts, reconstructive surgeries, and much more. A major reason many of our patients come to see us is to look younger. Here is everything you may want to know about what makes us look older and how Partridge Plastic Surgery can help you maintain a younger, radiant appearance.

What features make us look older?

Many of our patients come to visit us because of aging concerns. There are a few facial features and physical characteristics that make us look older:

Skin: As we age, the skin naturally begins to lose collagen and skin elasticity. This results in the development of wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, hyperpigmentation, uneven skin textures, and skin sagging.

Eyes: Drooping folds of the eyelids and crow’s feet are another indication of aging. Dark circles under the eyes can also be a sign of aging and will in general, make you look tired and worn down.

Lips: Lips begin to thin out and become dry as you get older. They lose their fullness and volume due to a lack of collagen.

Nose: The nose begins to grow as you age both outward and down.

Neck: The neck is another prominent feature that can make us look older. Skin looseness around the neck can create unwanted droopiness and a buildup of fatty tissue.

Cheeks: Similar to the neck, your cheek tissues will also begin to pull downward creating a droopy look and noticeable loss of volume.

What features make you look younger?

Features that make you look younger include:

• High, contoured cheekbones
• Full, plump lips
• Clear, smooth, glowing skin
• Increased facial contrast
• Firm neckline
• Hydrated skin
• High contrast face
• Youthful nose

These younger looking features can be achieved through treatments and procedures at Partridge Plastic Surgery. We would be more than happy to address your concerns and make recommendations based on your facial structure.

How can I stop my face from aging?

You can stop your face from aging by implementing anti-aging treatments to your self-care routine. Beginning in your early twenties, we recommend you start using skin care products with anti-aging benefits. This is a wonderful time to start going in for anti-aging treatments such as chemical peels, microneedling, neuromodulators, and dermal fillers. Once signs of aging become more prominent, plastic surgery procedures such as a breast lift, fat injection, brow lift, facelift, or chin augmentation can be used to reveal your younger self.

Do you offer any treatments to help us look younger?

Yes! Partridge Plastic Surgery offers many treatments to help our beautiful patients look and feel younger. A full list of the treatments and procedures offered at our clinic include:

Plastic Surgeries:
Breast augmentation
Breast lift
Breast reduction
Breast reconstruction
Circumferential body lift
Arm lift
Thigh lift
Buttock lift
Brow lift
Eyelid surgery
Fat injection
Chin augmentation
Abdominal etching
Reconstructive surgery

Minimally-Invasive Treatments:
Cool sculpting
• Xeomin
Belotero balance
Chemical peels
Laser treatments
• Liposculpture

For further information about what features make us look older and what treatments at Partridge Plastic Surgery can reverse this aging process, please schedule a consultation with one of our anti-aging treatment specialists. You can book an appointment by filling out our online request form or giving us a call during our business hours. Anti-aging treatments and procedures can help you look and feel your very best. Partridge Plastic Surgery is honored to be a part of this self-love journey with you. If you have any additional questions about treatments offered at our clinic designed to make you look younger and improve your self-confidence, make sure to reach out soon. The team at Partridge Plastic Surgery looks forward to hearing from you soon! We serve patients from Princeton NJ, North Brunswick NJ, Clyde NJ, Milltown NJ, New Brunswick NJ, Sayreville NJ, Edison NJ, and Rocky Hill NJ.

What Makes Us Look Older? | Convenient Locations (11)
What Makes Us Look Older? | Convenient Locations (12)

Additional Services You May Need

Breast Reduction
Breast Augmentation
Breast Lift
Male Procedures
Reconstructive Surgery
Buttock Lift

North Brunswick

  • 213 N Center Drive, North Brunswick, NJ 08902
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  • 330 N Harrison Ste 1A, Princeton, NJ 08540
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Partridge Plastic Surgery

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What Makes Us Look Older? | Convenient Locations (17)
What Makes Us Look Older? | Convenient Locations (18)

What Makes Us Look Older? | Convenient Locations (2024)


What Makes Us Look Older? | Convenient Locations? ›

Dark circles under the eyes can also be a sign of aging and will in general, make you look tired and worn down. Lips: Lips begin to thin out and become dry as you get older. They lose their fullness and volume due to a lack of collagen. Nose: The nose begins to grow as you age both outward and down.

What makes people look older than they are? ›

Skin: Things like excessive sun damage, liver spots, and enlarged pores are common foes that age our skin quicker than we'd like. Another thing that may affect your skin and make it look older is an uneven complexion caused by loss of collagen and elastin.

Which vitamin deficiency makes you look older? ›

When vitamin D is deficient, there is an increase in the activity of these ageing processes that not only accelerates the rate of ageing, but it also creates the conditions that initiate the onset of the age‐related diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

What facial features make you look older? ›

How the face ages
  • Foreheads expand as hairlines retreat.
  • Ears often get a bit longer because the cartilage in them grows.
  • Tips of noses may droop because connective tissue supporting nasal cartilage weakens.
Jul 18, 2023

At what age does your face change most? ›

Most people begin to notice a shift in the appearance of their face around their 40's and 50's, with some also noticing a change in their 30's. But with these physical changes brought on by aging also comes a change in the appearance of our face - Luckily, there is treatment available.

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Our skin, hair and teeth are benefiting from less cigarette smoke and physical toil, as well as an ever-expanding collection of cosmetic interventions designed to make us look younger.

What makes you look younger? ›

Drinking enough water each day replenishes your skin's tissue and cells, allowing for younger and healthier looking skin. Another key to maintaining a youthful appearance is to simply get some rest! When you sleep, your body continuously releases hormones that promote cell turnover and renewal.

What vitamin reverses the aging process? ›

The best powerful anti-aging vitamins and supplements include collagen, vitamin C, selenium, and others. Aging is a natural process that can't be stopped, but you can slow it down and reduce your risk of age-related illnesses through dietary and lifestyle changes.

Which vitamin slow aging? ›

Dr. Nicholas Perricone who is famous anti-aging doctor from New York said that “Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is highly effective and the very first vitamin that has been discovered which has antioxidant activity and inhibition of melanin formation.

What vitamin fights the aging process? ›

Among many factors, vitamin D plays an important role as a nutrient capable of affecting the aging process at a cellular/molecular level, with a wide range of actions.

What part of your face shows your age? ›

Lines and wrinkles are signs of aging, but aging also occurs beneath the skin. Signs of aging exist at every layer of the facial structure, including skin, fat-pads, muscles, and bone. Typical youthful features: high cheekbones, full cheeks, and a defined jawline.

What face shape makes you look younger? ›

Round-faced people tend to look younger for longer than others as they store fat in the cheeks and keep it there for a youthful appearance. Therefore, dull and sagging complexions will take longer to develop on round faces.”

Does sugar age you faster? ›

“Aging is part of growing older, but it's accelerated by sugar. Without getting too technical, at the end of each strand of our DNA is a little cap, called a telomere, which protects our DNA from damage. Every time our DNA is read and duplicated, those telomeres shorten.

Which face shape ages fastest? ›

An oval face shows the earliest signs of aging around the eye and cheek area. Creasing occurs around the eyes called crows feet and upper eyelid hooding can occur.

At what age do jowls appear? ›

Jowls are more prominent as we reach our 40s but they can start to develop at a younger age if the ageing process is accelerated by sun damage or smoking for example. Our skin starts to age from about the age of 25 onwards but earlier signs of ageing tend to be around the nasolabial folds, cheeks and eyes.

At what age does aging accelerate? ›

For example, the team suggests that the biological aging process isn't steady and appears to accelerate periodically — with the greatest bursts coming, on average, around ages 34, 60, and 78.

Why do I look so much older than I really am? ›

Collagen production slows down – so skin loses its firmness. Elastin production decreases – and skin becomes less elastic. Fat cells start to disappear – and skin starts to sag. Skin loses the ability to retain moisture.

What syndrome makes you look older than you are? ›

Werner syndrome, also known as adult progeria, begins in the teen years or early adulthood. It causes premature aging and conditions more common in old age, such as cataracts and diabetes.

Why do some people look like they never age? ›

appearance include sun Protection, a nutrient rich diet, regular exercise, adequate sleep, stress management, abstaining from smoking, and moderating alcohol consumption. Additionally, shorter telomeres, key pieces of DNA indicating cell replication ability, are linked to how young a person looks.

Why do girls look older than their age? ›

Not Enough Cleansing. The culprit behind ageing your young skin could very well be the very basic skincare regimen you should be doing. Your skin is exposed daily to harmful irritants, like pollution, dirt and make-up. This is why a regular skin cleanse is a must.

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