Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (2024)

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Discover effective strategies for managing wool allergy, from recognizing symptoms to exploring treatment options and immunotherapy. Get practical tips to avoid triggers.

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Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (7)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (8)

Key Symptoms of Wool Allergy

  1. Itchy skin or rash (contact dermatitis)
  2. Red bumps on the skin
  3. Hives (urticaria)
  4. Blistering skin
  5. Swelling of lips, face, or eyes
  6. Runny or congested nose
  7. Sneezing
  8. Watery or itchy eyes
  9. Coughing or wheezing
  10. Shortness of breath
  11. Irritation and soreness of the throat
  12. Eczema flare-ups

Diagnostic and Treatment Options for Wool Allergy

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (9)

Diagnostic of Wool Allergy

Discovering a wool allergy requires precision and expertise. Initially, a skin prick test gauges the response to wool extracts. Small, controlled amounts of allergens are introduced to the skin's surface to monitor reactions. If inconclusive, a subsequent intradermal test might follow, injecting diluted wool allergen beneath the skin.For further confirmation, allergists often conduct patch testing. Small patches infused with wool proteins are applied to the skin for 48 hours. A delayed reaction, typically within three days post-removal, indicates allergy.Additionally, blood tests can measure specific antibodies, such as IgE, related to wool proteins. Elevated levels point towards sensitization, however, clinical correlation is key. The results should always be interpreted within the context of the patient's clinical history.Lastly, an elimination challenge might be proposed. Here, patients avoid wool exposure for a set period, then reencounter the allergen under controlled conditions to observe potential reactions.Crafting a diagnosis combines these methods with patient history to reach conclusive results, steering clear of misconceptions surrounding 'wool sensitivity’.

Treatment of Wool Allergy

Allergen immunotherapy, a revolutionary approach in allergy treatment, marks a turning point for individuals suffering from reactions to specific allergens like Wool. This therapy involves gradually introducing the body to the allergen, aiming to develop tolerance and reduce allergic symptoms over time. Sublingual immunotherapy, a key form of this treatment, administers allergens under the tongue in controlled doses. This method has shown promise in significantly decreasing sensitivity to allergens, including Wool ,and improving quality of life for allergy sufferers. Curex, an integrated online telemedicine clinic, has adopted this advanced approach to allergy care. They offer customized sublingual immunotherapy, tailored to each individual’s allergy profile. Alongside, Curex provides comprehensive services like at-home concierge allergy testing and symptom management, making it a one-stop solution for those grappling with environmental allergies, asthma, and eczema. Through allergen immunotherapy, we are changing the landscape of allergy treatment, offering hope for long-term relief and effective management of allergic conditions.

"Immunotherapy can be amazing"

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (10)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (11)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (12)

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Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (13)

When Wool Grows and Its Impacts

Where Wool Grows Across the USA?

Who is Most Affected by Wool allergy?

Wool allergy primarily affects those with sensitive skin or existing allergies, such as atopic dermatitis sufferers. When their skin contacts wool fibers, it reacts, mistaking these fibers for a harmful substance. This results in an uncomfortable and sometimes painful reaction. The most susceptible are individuals with a predisposition to allergies, with their immune systems on constant high alert for potential invaders. Specifically, the protein lanolin in wool is often the culprit. It’s also the people with asthma who must be cautious, as wool can trigger respiratory issues when inhaled. Those working with wool or wearing it directly against the skin are at heightened risk. For them, this allergy is not just an inconvenience; it can significantly impact daily comfort and overall health.

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Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (14)

How to Know if You're Allergic to Wool

Wool allergy occurs when your body perceives the proteins in wool as a threat, triggering an allergic reaction. If after contact with wool, you experience red, itchy rashes, or notice hives on your skin, it might be a sign of an allergy. Some individuals also suffer from sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, and itchy eyes if wool fibers become airborne and are inhaled. Unlike irritant contact dermatitis which can be confused with wool allergy, true wool allergy symptoms will typically occur each time wool contacts your skin and can become more severe with prolonged exposure.To find out whether you have a wool allergy, take note of the timing and consistency of your symptoms. Are they occurring only when you wear or are near wool? Consult an allergist for a precise diagnosis, who might perform a skin prick test or a specific IgE blood test to confirm your allergy to wool proteins. Remember, reactions vary and keeping a record of incidents helps determine the cause.

Stay Safe: Essential Tips for Avoiding Wool Allergies

Wool allergy, often caused by lanolin (wool wax), can lead to uncomfortable symptoms like itching, sneezing, and skin rashes. To minimize exposure and avoid wool allergy symptoms, consider these tips:

  1. Choose alternative fabrics: Opt for hypoallergenic materials like cotton, silk, or synthetic fibers that are gentler on the skin.
  2. Read labels carefully: Always check clothing and bedding tags for wool content or lanolin-infused products.
  3. Use protective layers: If avoiding wool isn't possible, wear a barrier layer of cotton or silk between your skin and the wool item.
  4. Pre-wash new garments: Some wool items may contain residues that could irritate the skin. Washing them before use could reduce the risk.
  5. Educate yourself: Stay informed about products that commonly contain wool or lanolin, like certain cosmetics, lotions, and personal care items.
  6. Seek hypoallergenic alternatives: Explore products specifically designed for sensitive skin, which usually exclude irritants like lanolin.
  7. Consult an allergist: If you're unsure or your symptoms are severe, an allergist can help diagnose a wool allergy and provide personalized advice.

By implementing these strategies, you can limit contact with wool and live comfortably even with an allergy.

We Treat Indoor & Outdoor Allergies

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (15)

Weed Pollens

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (16)

Dust Mites

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (17)


Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (18)

Tree Pollens

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (19)

Cat Allergies

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (20)

Dog Allergies

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (21)

Weed Pollens

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (22)

Dust Mites

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (23)


Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (24)

Tree Pollens

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (25)

Cat Allergies

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (26)

Dog Allergies

We do not treat food allergies at this time.

At-home Immunotherapy

What makes Curex the top choice

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (27)

Over 50,000 Users Choose Curex

Curex has more satisfied customers than any other telemedicine clinic. Our clinical team delivers great outcomes to allergy patients in every U.S. state.

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (28)

Curex is the only online allergy clinic accepting insurance

Our insurance network is growing everyday so you can get the most affordable treatment available.

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (29)

High quality testing

Curex uses hospital-grade allergy tests that are covered by insurance. This means better treatment, lower costs and no need to re-test!

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Press about Curex

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (30)

Can At-Home Sublingual Allergy Immunotherapy Provide Better Outcomes Than Allergy Shots? Curex Shares Data

Curex, the largest online allergy clinic in the United States, has revealed data indicating that allergy drops, also known as at-home sublingual allergy immunotherapy (SLIT), might offer better results compared to traditional allergy shots.

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Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (31)

Why 75% of allergy sufferers quit allergy shots within a year, and how Curex provides a better solution

In a nation where allergies grip the lives of over 100 million people, the quest for effective, convenient, and affordable treatment is pressing. Here’s where Curex, a groundbreaking online allergy clinic, is creating a remarkable shift, making life a little easier for allergy sufferers nationwide.

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Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (32)

Curex Revolutionizing Allergy Immunotherapy with Home-Delivered Allergy Drops

Curex offers an improved method of desensitization from allergies through its safe, effective, and convenient at-home alternative to traditional allergy shots. Curex's allergy immunotherapy treatment ensures long-term relief and includes the same composition as allergy shots, with the sole distinction being that it's administered sublingually (under the tongue).

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Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (33)

Treatment prescribed
by clinician


Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (34)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (35)

Clinicaly made allergen extracts are customized for your allergies


Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (36)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (37)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (38)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (39)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (40)

Your immune system gets desensitized to allergens, giving you long-term relief.


At-home Immunotherapy

Benefits of Curex

At-home treatment

Apply treatments in minutes from the comfort of your own home with under-the-tongue applications instead of shots or pills

5-30x higher cumulative dose vs allergy shots

Sublingual immunotherapy delivers a higher dose of allergens over the course of treatment.

Potential for results in as few as 6 months

Individual results vary but some users have reported a noticeable difference in as few as 6-12 months since starting treatments

Excellent safety profile

Studies that have been reviewed by certified physicians show that sublingual immunotherapy is a safe treatment option


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Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (42)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (43)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (44)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (45)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (46)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (47)

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (48)

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Curex provides allergy care plans for allergies, asthma, eczema and pet allergies.

Curex providers may prescribe sublingual allergy drops that contain the same ingredients as allergy shots but are more convenient & affordable.

Curex-affiliated medical practices are independently owned and operated by licensed physicians who provide services using the Curex telehealth platform.

Compounded medications have not been approved by the FDA and the FDA has not evaluated their safety or efficacy.

2024 Curex, Inc. All rights reserved.

Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid (2024)


Wool allergy: Symptoms, Treatment, Immunotherapy, Tips to avoid? ›

Wool allergies can be treated by avoiding direct contact with wool products. Over-the-counter antihistamines or topical creams can help manage symptoms like itching and rash. In case of severe reactions, consult a healthcare provider who may prescribe stronger medications or recommend immunotherapy.

How to overcome wool allergy? ›

Treatment of Wool Allergy

Sublingual immunotherapy, a key form of this treatment, administers allergens under the tongue in controlled doses. This method has shown promise in significantly decreasing sensitivity to allergens, including Wool ,and improving quality of life for allergy sufferers.

Do allergies get worse during immunotherapy? ›

In some cases, allergy symptoms may temporarily worsen after starting allergy shots. This is known as a “flare-up” reaction and typically occurs during the initial build-up phase.

Can I take antihistamines during allergy immunotherapy? ›

You may also take allergy medicines while having allergy shots. Your provider may recommend that you reduce your exposure to allergens, as well.

What are the disadvantages of allergen immunotherapy? ›

For allergy shots, reactions including redness, soreness or hives can happen at the injection site. The response to sublingual tablets may include nasal symptoms, itchiness and irritation around the mouth. Research shows that more than 70% of people have a localized reaction to immunotherapy at some point.

How do you stop wool irritation? ›

8 Ways to Make Wool Less Itchy
  1. Wash using a special detergent.
  2. Use Shampoo and Hair conditioner.
  3. Steam the wool item.
  4. Use mustard powder.
  5. Vinegar and Salt solution.
  6. Use Baking soda with ammonia.
  7. Use Glycerin.
  8. Freeze the Wool.
Sep 5, 2023

What is the alternative to wool allergy? ›

Top Wool-Free Yarn Alternatives for Allergic and Sensitive Skin
  • Cotton and Cotton Blends: Cotton is a yarn staple known for its breathability and durability. ...
  • Acrylic Yarn: A fantastic option for those allergic to animal fibers, acrylic yarn is soft, easy to care for, and affordable.
Feb 18, 2024

Why do I feel worse after immunotherapy? ›

Although immunotherapy is designed to help your immune system attack cancer cells, immune cells may mistakenly attack healthy tissue. This is called an immune-related adverse effect, or irAE. As a result, immunotherapy can cause inflammation in healthy tissue that you may experience as one or more side effects.

What is the success rate of allergy immunotherapy? ›

How successful are allergy shots? About 80% of people see significant improvement in their allergy symptoms. This means there's a reduction in their symptoms, though they won't necessarily completely go away. About 60% of people have permanent benefits after three to five years of allergy shots.

Why do most patients not respond to immunotherapy? ›

T-cell exhaustion: Some patients who have little or no reaction to immunotherapy drugs may not have enough available or functioning T-cells to mount an effective response even if they are activated.

Does Benadryl interfere with immunotherapy? ›

Antihistamines used to treat allergies may be linked to better response to checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy, helping to explain differences in treatment response. Histamine—a chemical released by certain immune cells—causes allergic reactions and plays a role in immune response.

When is the best time to start allergy immunotherapy? ›

With sublingual immunotherapy, your treatment will probably start 12-16 weeks before pollen season begins and last through pollen season. You take the first dose in the allergist's office and the rest at home.

Can you take prednisone while getting allergy shots? ›

While you are being treated with prednisone, do not have any immunizations (vaccines) without your doctor's approval. Prednisone may lower your body's resistance and the vaccine may not work as well or you might get the infection the vaccine is meant to prevent.

Is allergy immunotherapy worth it? ›

Studies show that 85% of people who suffer from hay fever see a reduction in their symptoms when they receive shots. Many people avoid allergy shots because they're afraid of injections. But the benefit is that the pain of an injection lasts just a moment – while the relief of no more symptoms can last a lifetime.

What is the gold standard for allergy treatment? ›

Immunotherapy is the gold standard for long-term relief of allergies. The treatment introduces small amounts of allergens to the body to elicit the creation of antibodies. The amount of allergen is calculated to cause an immune response without causing a full-blown allergic reaction.

How common is anaphylaxis after allergy shots? ›

Anaphylaxis after allergy shots, known as immunotherapy, is rare, occurring in approximately 0.1% of all injections. While reactions can occur, anaphylaxis is usually rare with proper screening, dose adjustment, and medical supervision during the administration of allergy shots.

How long does a wool rash last? ›

The rash can develop within minutes to hours of exposure, and it can last 2 to 4 weeks. Signs and symptoms of contact dermatitis vary widely and may include: An itchy rash. Leathery patches that are darker than usual (hyperpigmented), typically on brown or Black skin.

What to wear if allergic to wool? ›

Synthetic fibres are sometimes suggested as an alternative to wool for people with sensitive skin, however it is still possible to get coarse fibres of a higher micron in synthetic fabrics. Consumers opting for synthetic need to look further than the care label to decipher a garment's suitability for their skin.

What can I knit if allergic to wool? ›

Acrylic and microfiber yarns are synthetic, so they won't irritate someone who has an allergy to animal-based products. You can put items knit from this type of yarn into the washer and dryer. Even better, acrylic and microfiber yarns hold up well when it comes to their shape and color.

What does a wool allergy feel like? ›

Contact with wool can cause itchy skin, irritated and watery eyes, and a runny nose if you have an allergy to the material. For many with wool allergies, wearing a wool sweater, scarf, or hat can also result in the development of painful bumps that ooze fluids, or skin that's so dry, it cracks and bleeds.

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