The Difference Between Cashmere And Wool (2024)

The Difference Between Cashmere And Wool (1)

In the world of natural textiles, the word “wool” can mean many things. It’s not uncommon to see cashmere described as cashmere wool, but clearly not all wool is cashmere, so how can you tell the difference between these different types of wool?

Those differences aren’t always obvious, but we’ll help you know what to look for and when to be on high alert for marketing tricks that try to sell you something that’s not worth the price on the tag. And, we’ll make sure you know how to take care of your luxury garments and textiles so they hold their value long into the future.

Are Cashmere And Wool The Same?

Wool, by the most basic definition, is a protein-dominant textile shorn from the coats of certain types of animals. The most common are different breeds of sheep and goat, but wool may also be spun from the shorn coats of musk-oxen, rabbits and certain breeds of camel.

If your garment tag just says “wool” and does not list any other identifying information about the textile being used, you can assume it’s sheep’s wool. It just isn’t from a region or breed that warrants specific identification.

  • Cashmere. Also known as pashmina wool, this textile comes from a special breed of goat that originated in the Kashmir Valley, near the Himalayas
  • Merino. After cashmere, merino is one of the world’s most popular types of wool. Most merino sheep are bred in Australia and their coats are used to make a wide variety of domestic and industrial textile products
  • Lambswool. Although this is sheep’s wool, it’s the first shearing of a lamb while the lamb is just a few months old, and therefore extremely soft and smooth
  • Alpaca. Often confused for a llama given their similar appearances, alpaca wool is prized for its lightweight durability
The Difference Between Cashmere And Wool (2)
  • Angora. The hollow fiber that makes up the Angora rabbit’s fur are favored for their efficient insulation, but they are extremely fragile.
  • Llama. The fine undercoat of a llama suits clothes and crafts, while the coarser guard hairs can be used to make more durable items, like rugs and ropes.
  • Lopi. Icelandic sheep provide us with this type of knitting wool, which is spun using a unique process that creates a thread with a tough outer layer that has water-resistant qualities.
  • Mohair. Angora goats produce the natural fibers used to make mohair textiles, notable for the combination of thick guard hairs and fine undercoat in the finished textile.
  • Tibetan. Somewhat misleadingly named, soft and curly Tibetan wool is shorn from the Tibetan lamb, but they are usually raised in China rather than Tibet.
  • Shetland. A thick, coarse wool due to the breed’s origins being a cold climate, the Shetland Islands of Scotland.
  • Qiviut. The arctic musk-ox, bred in both Alaska and Canada, sheds an undercoat that breeders gather together to make a textile that can be eight times warmer than sheep’s wool.

Even with all of these choices in natural fibers, cashmere continues to maintain its luxury status in the textile industry.

So what makes cashmere so special compared to all those other types of wool? Let’s dig in.

Is Cashmere Warmer Than Wool?

You might find that you own these two types of material stashed in your coat closet.

As the world’s most luxurious wool textile, how much warmer is cashmere vs merino wool, or cashmere vs wool from other breeds?

It’s not easy to answer that precisely, but most industry professionals believe cashmere to be at least eight times warmer in a side-by-side merino wool vs cashmere warmth comparison. This provides a workable reference for other types of wool.

Toe-to-toe, cashmere probably won’t beat out ultra-insulating textiles like qiviut. It’s no surprise, of course - the musk ox lives in the arctic, after all. But, qiviut isn’t as easy to find as cashmere, so cashmere is often one of the warmest textiles that’s also readily available and relatively affordable.

The Difference Between Cashmere And Wool (3)

Which Is More Expensive, Wool Or Cashmere?

The luxe legacy of cashmere may be somewhat deceiving - it is not because cashmere is the softest or warmest or most expensive of all possible types of wool that makes it such a prized textile. It is because of how well-balanced that texture and insulation is compared to the cost of its production that sets cashmere truly apart.

Overall, few types of wool can compete with the expense of cashmere and the willingness of the market to pay that cost on a recurring basis. Buying and wearing cashmere is no flash-in-the-pan trend, but a timeless standard.

You may be able to find a cashmere jumper for less than a merino wool one, but that’s due to a variety of reasons - where in the world animals are raised can impact the final price tag as much as the fashion house who designs the garment does.

No matter what you pay for it, cashmere’s value endures far longer than many other types of wool pieces.

Is Cashmere More Durable Than Wool?

Natural fibers play a bait-and-switch game with us. When processed correctly, these fibers can be spun to form some of the most resilient textiles known to the world. However, if subtle changes in its environment occur, it becomes incredibly and sometimes irreversibly fragile.

It doesn’t take a science degree to figure out that the soft and shorter an individual fibre is, the easier it will be to separate it from the rest along any given thread of fabric. Coarser, longer pieces of fiber cling to one another better, and have more surface area for that contact to persist.

Much like measuring warmth and expense, it matters exactly what type of wool you’re comparing to cashmere. In a straight comparison of lambswool vs cashmere, it makes sense to find that cashmere has more durability due to being shorn from mature animals rather than young ones.

However, if you were to put cashmere fibers side-by-side with every other type of wool, you’d find it down with the rest of the finer, shorter fibers. Because of this, manufacturers may blend their cashmere with sturdier wools to make a more durable garment.

How Do I Wash Cashmere And Wool?

As with any garment, the manufacturer’s label will be your first reference for the best cleaning process, so be sure to check it for any special notes. Otherwise, it’s safe to assume that hand-washing with a mild detergent in lukewarm water will keep most natural fiber garments fresh and stain-free.

The Difference Between Cashmere And Wool (4)

Drying natural fiber garments requires careful planning, because you can’t hang them like you might a cotton or synthetic blend. Wool garments lose their shape easily, especially since water makes them fragile and very vulnerable to damage. Unless otherwise specified on the garment tag, you should plan to air dry wool pieces by laying them flat, out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources.

There can be some particular considerations to keep in mind when you’re washing lambswool vs cashmere vs merino wools, and so on, but our step-by-step guides have you covered with in-depth knowledge and all the latest tips and tricks.

How Do I Store Cashmere And Wool?

Storage is another topic you know we cover thoroughly, and that’s because natural fibers are at their most vulnerable to damage and infestation when they’re in storage. The small, dark corners of your closet are the perfect breeding ground for clothes moths that like to feast on leftover proteins attached to the fibers of your cashmere and wool.

The texture of each individual fiber, along with its natural oils, loves to soak up perspiration and hold on to dead skin cells. To a clothes moth, these microscopic remnants are a feast fit for a king - or at least for the larvae when they nestle into the crevices of your closet.

The Difference Between Cashmere And Wool (5)

Any storage prep begins with thoroughly leaning your garments and textiles as described above, which includes allowing each item to dry thoroughly. Natural repellents work best as preventives, so use freshly oiled cedar wood and lavender sachets in the compartments you’ll use to store your wool and cashmere.

Placing a Clothes Moth Pheromone Trap into a strategic spot is the next step in preventing full-blown infestations, but you also need to know how to prevent your clothes from becoming damaged while in storage. Check our storage guides for tips on safe-keeping each piece, like whether to fold or hang the item, or how to use acid-free tissue paper effectively.

You may like to read our article on storing Cashmere for more tips.

If using Clothes Moth Traps to protect your wool and cashmere, be sure to refresh the pheromone impregnated sticky strip. It may remain sticky for months, but the powerful pheromones that attract the adult flying moths lose their effectiveness after a few months. MothDefense Clothes Moth Pheromone traps are among the longest lasting in the market.

Help! My Cashmere And Wool Stretched And Needs Reshaping!

First: don’t panic. Even though natural fiber textiles like cashmere and wool can be quite fragile and lose their shape, there’s still hope.

Try the follow steps to rescue a misshapen wool garment:

  • Wash as you normally would with a mild soap and lukewarm water
  • Allow garment to soak for 10 minutes
  • Rinse clean with lukewarm water
  • Squeeze, but do not twist, excess water
  • Lay flat on a towel and gently roll to soak up remaining water
  • Unroll and reshape to garment’s original form, allow to air dry completely
  • If shrunk by a significant amount, repeat while carefully and evenly stretching the garment back to its original size a little more with each cycle

Help! How Do I Stop Wool From Itching?

Remember that not all wools are made the same, so if one type of garment makes you itch, the first thing you can do is switch to a softer type of wool. Most wool is gathered from a coat that contains fine, soft undercoat hairs and coarser, thicker guard hairs. The more of those downy fine undercoat hairs your garment has, the softer it will be - and, the youngest animals of any breed will yield the most supple textiles by comparison.

If you love a piece and want to make it softer, you can treat it according to our own stain-fighting tips, then follow up with a wool-safe conditioner. This strips away any potential build-up that could be causing the itchiness, then coats the fibers of the textile with a softening agent. Always check your garment tag for tips, and test products on a patch of unseen material for colorfastness.

Despite its many contenders, cashmere isn’t losing its top spot as one of the most luxurious natural textiles on the market any time soon. Take care of your natural wool garments and they’ll all reward you with long years of warm, fuzzy wear.

We have more information in our article on caring for your cashmere. To know more about wools in general you may like our blog oncashmere vs other wool, such as alpaca.

The Difference Between Cashmere And Wool (6)
  • carpet moths
  • closet organization
  • clothes moth larvae
  • clothes moths
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About MothPrevention

MothPrevention® speak to customers every day about their clothes moth issues - clothes moths are a species that are ever increasing and that can cause significant damage to clothes, carpets and other home textiles.

To date, we’ve helped over 150,000 customers deal with their moth problems. We have developed professional grade solutions including proprietary pheromones, not available from anybody else in the USA, and engineered in Germany to the highest production standards.

The Difference Between Cashmere And Wool (2024)


The Difference Between Cashmere And Wool? ›

Softness: Cashmere material is way softer and more delicate than wool. Wool also has the tendency to feel very itchy when put directly against the skin. Warmth: Cashmere wool provides more warmth than standard sheep wool. Durability: The thicker fibres of sheep wool are more durable than cashmere.

What is the difference between cashmere and wool? ›

While wool comes from sheep, cashmere comes from goats: cashmere goats, pashmina goats, and some other breeds. The fibers are also referred to as “cashmere wool,” which can be confusing. A good way to think about it is that all cashmere is wool, but not all wool is cashmere.

Is 100% cashmere warmer than wool? ›

Cashmere is the warmest wool out of the two. It can be seven to eight times warmer than merino wool. However, don't let this put you off merino wool if you spend a lot of time in the outdoors.

What lasts longer wool or cashmere? ›

Durability. Merino wool is more elastic and durable than cashmere. Its strong structure is sturdy and will last longer than cashmere if care instructions are followed correctly. You'll get years of use out of our merino garments, plus it's less prone to pilling compared to cashmere keeping it in top form.

How can cashmere be better than wool? ›

As the fibres of cashmere are much finer than wool, cashmere is better at trapping heat without adding extra weight or heaviness to the garment itself. However, the thicker fibres of wool make the material more durable, however slightly rougher on skin.

Is wool stronger than cashmere? ›

Cashmere is warmer, softer, and lighter than wool, but it is also more delicate and expensive. Wool is more durable and suitable for activewear but is warmer than cashmere. Ultimately, the choice between cashmere and wool comes down to personal preference and the garment's intended use.

How to tell cashmere from wool? ›

Wool fiber is much thicker than cashmere, which is range from 16micron to 22.5+ microns. Even for the superfine wool with the same thickness with cashmere, it is totally different from cashmere. in the inspection of microscope, cashmere has round squama, while wool fiber has pointed squama.

Is cashmere itchy like wool? ›

Cashmere is considered to be far less itchy than other wools. Cashmere does not contain lanolin, so it's an entirely hypoallergenic alternative to merino and other fibres. However, cashmere is a natural yarn and this can cause mild irritation for some people.

Can you wear cashmere in hot weather? ›

While cashmere is typically associated with winter, it can also be worn in summer if you choose the right piece, and cashmere can even become a summer essential. The characteristics of Barrie cashmere such as its soft texture and its lightness allow you to wear it all year long.

Is there anything better than cashmere? ›

Yak wool, AKA “khullu” is not only a cashmere alternative because it's similarly soft and comfy to wear all the time. Khullu is also considered an alternative because it's more sustainable, breathable, durable, and warmer than cashmere.

What feels like cashmere but is cheaper? ›

Alpaca. Alpaca is a solid alternative to cashmere. It has a nice loft, but it's less delicate and more affordable. With longer fibers than cashmere, they're also less likely to pill.

What is the disadvantage of cashmere wool? ›

Disadvantages: But because of the cashmere's fineness, short fiber and weak strength, we need good care when wearing especially avoids grinding with hard clothes, coarse cloth and chemical fiber.

What is the best wool in the world? ›

Australian Merino wool is the world's finest and softest wool in the world. Its natural benefits are so great that no other fibre - natural or man-made - can match it.

What are the disadvantages of cashmere fabric? ›

Cons of Cashmere Fabric
  • It requires special care/ dry cleaning.
  • Cashmere is very tender, so we need to care about it.
  • It is a short fiber and has weak strength.
  • It is not a very flexible material.
  • It is not very durable.
  • Piling can be an issue with cashmere fabric.

Why is my cashmere itchy? ›

Even the scales on cashmere are finer than those on wool – and the scales have a lot to do with how itchy a garment feels. Think of each fibre like a long, thin file. As your body moves against the fibres, the scales can catch, which is the leading cause of skin irritation and a feeling of itchiness.

Which is better, merino wool or cashmere? ›

Both are much, much softer than normal sheep's wool. Cashmere is incredibly warm and provides excellent insulation. It is ideal for cold weather and is often used in sweaters and winter accessories. Merino wool offers good warmth but doesn't insulate as well as cashmere.

Is cashmere as itchy as wool? ›

Cashmere is considered to be far less itchy than other wools. Cashmere does not contain lanolin, so it's an entirely hypoallergenic alternative to merino and other fibres. However, cashmere is a natural yarn and this can cause mild irritation for some people.

Why is cashmere more expensive than wool? ›

Pure cashmere is very expensive due to its unique characteristics and the involved production process, where the fibers are separated by hand from the molted coats of a particular goat, the Capra hircus laniger, which lives in the cold mountainous regions of the highlands of Asia.

Is wool or cashmere itchy? ›

While it's true that some wool types can be coarse and cause discomfort, cashmere is an exception. Cashmere fibres are significantly finer and have a smoother surface, which minimises the potential for itchiness.

Why is cashmere so cheap? ›

There's been such a huge increase in the number of cashmere goats because the demand is so high that there's actually some degradation of the habitats that they grow in. And that ends up producing lower-quality fiber in the long run.

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