Konosuba: Two goddess's blessing on this wonderful world - Chapter 1 - Thebobman6059 - この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! | KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! (2024)

Chapter Text

I grit my teeth as I stared at the many papers in front of me, different powers all interesting, each with pros and cons...I couldn’t just pick one willy nilly

“Will you hurry up you worthless NEET,” The woman, or more accurately the goddess in front of me said as she took a bite of a non-specific brand of chips

I was already getting annoyed at this woman as she mocked and fun of my death and hobbies

That’s when an idea struck me...why go any of these, when...I can go for a much bigger fish?

“Just asking, I can ask for anything?”

“Ya, Ya whatever just hurry up I have a lot of souls to process,” She said dismissively as she waved a hand at me though, she still kept an eye on me

“Then I know exactly for what I want!” I saw a wide smile on my face as I put my plan into action

“Uh-huh,” She said briefly looking at her nails

“I want a god’s power!” I say with a wide smile if my wasted years of light novel reading taught me anything this will pass, and I will gain a power beyond anything before! The goddess may even clap at my brilliance and give me a bonus...that’s how these usually work

It was silent till finally, the goddess respond

“Ha! Hahaha!”

Suddenly my smirk lept off my face as the goddess in front of me just curled up and started laughing harshly, tears sprang from her eyes

“You really are a stupid NEET!” She said trying to recover from her laughing fit

“Wha?” I say suddenly fear entombed me, I was uncertain the consequences of my actions, after all, she was a god...and I was a mortal trying to take a god’s power, it seemed straight out of mythology as the foolish mortal would be cast into the depth of the underworld for his greed, much like Icarus I might have flown to close to the sun,

“Did you really think something like that would work? Just a nobody like you can come in here and ask to have a god’s power!?” The Goddess said still laughing at the thought

“What did you think I would go “Sure you can have my underling, Eris’s power” and boom! You would go down there with that chest padding goddess’s power?” The Goddess continued to let out a laugh but something was starting to feel strange…. My body felt tingly? Like my entire body went to sleep

‘Was that just the feeling of death?’ I pondered to myself...maybe I was in this purgatory for to long and my body was feeling the consequences

“I will never tire of you, stupid mortals!” She said finally seeming to calm down as she sat back upright in her chair

“I am tempted to just send you down with nothing, but rules are rules you have to pick-” suddenly she became silent as a golden ray shined down in between us

“Goddess Aqua this mortal already has picked her ability,” With golden light, an angel descends with those words

“What?” Aqua asked as she looked up at it

“Wait di-” Suddenly I become quiet as I heard my voice...it was higher pitch quickly I raise my hand to my throat only to stop as I saw my hand, it was smaller and daintier than before! Not just that it was becoming smaller! Looking at myself I see myself visible changing

“WHAT THE HELL!?” I scream out as I stand up

“Pfft! Your starting to look like Eris!” The Goddess or Aqua made a thoughtful observation

“Indeed, Miss Aqua you said this mortal could take Miss Eris’s power,” The angel said

“Huh!? I meant it as a joke! I find it hilarious but reverse it! I don’t want to get into trouble because of this stupid mortal!” Aqua ordered, seemingly flustered

“Please I take it back!” I yell as I felt my mighty Excalibur get sucked into me becoming a scabbard instead

“This isn’t what I wanted!” I yell a blush appearing on my now pale face

“Hahaha! Loser that’s what you get! Actually, I think this works quite fine with me! That chest padding goddess was getting a bit too uppity in my opinion” Aqua laughed at me, her flustered face gone as a smile took it’s place

I could feel my bones getting crunched as my entire frame changed, smaller, daintier

“I am sorry!” I yell as silver hair fluttered into my view, my once dirt brown locks short and unkept now flowing down as silver strands of beauty

“Hahaha! It’s great to hear that especially in her voice!” Aqua yelled before sitting down and picking up those chips once again and started eating them as one would with popcorn at a theater...or if there was any popcorn left by the time the movie started

Before long the transformation was done my green and white tracksuit clung loosely to my body in some places and loosely in others, I let high pitched huffs as I laid on my hands and knees on the tiled floor

“And it’s done Miss Aqua and Kazuma Satou will now depart to save this world,” The Angel said with a wide smile and a purple circle appeared below me

“Please,” I say desperately still barely clinging onto the hope that this can go away...my face was constant blush as each harsh breath let me feel the rather tiny weights on my chest move

“Ha! Loser hope you enjoy being in an unknown world as a girl I wonder what sort of things will happen to you!” Aqua said not noticing a similar purple circle under her

“Miss Aqua she is not going alone, you are accompanying her, to make sure she doesn’t reak havoc on this world, with her new strength, and hopefully might teach her how to be a goddess if she wishes to join us after defeating the demon king” The angel explained

“What!? You can’t make me go down with him!” Aqua yelled, tears forming in her eyes

“You can’t do this to me!” she yelled bashing at a purple wall that appeared

“You may come back after you defeat the demon king” The angel explained before a flash of

light enveloped Aqua leaving me and the angel alone for a brief moment

“And Kazuma, when you defeat the demon king, you will be granted one wish of your desire”

Then a bright flash of light

Suddenly I found myself standing on a side of the road...it was silent as both I and Aqua stood still...I couldn’t believe what just happened...my body was just changed….It was unfathomable

“You stupid flat-chested NEET look at what you did!” Aqua said as she grabbed my shoulders and started to shake me back and forth...though it there wasn’t much I felt thye small movement on my chest like earlier as she did this though with her much more sporadic movements the small weights were moving much more

I felt the blush deepen on my face

“I am now stuck with you! Unable to go back! All because of your stupid wish! What I am supposed to do now!” Aqua said tears flowing down

Every shake she did, made me notice something different about this body,

“Stop that!” I say as I push the taller girl off me

I grit my teeth, I could tell I was going to hate this goddess, but I had to think positive...I was in a girl’s body...I could do many things...suddenly many fantasies invaded my virgin mind

“Hey!” Suddenly I snapped out of it as I heard the goddess yell

“You better be listening to me!” Aqua yelled at me

“What?” I ask my cheeks still a light blush as I look up at her

“What are supposed to do now!” She yelled at my face

I let out a small sigh and brush a silver bang away from my face,

“We just need to find an adventure guild sign and up, should be easy, there usually in bars or inns, you should know this aren’t you a goddess?” I say to her with gritted teeth

“I can’t monitor every world and know every detail,” Aqua said looking down at him

I let out a sigh as we begin our search in this new world uncertain of what will happen,

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this body, and I know if I ever get a chance to get my old one back I’ll take it, but this is the hand I was dealt, and I was must use...and plus I know there’s going to be a few advantages to this body….

Konosuba: Two goddess's blessing on this wonderful world - Chapter 1 - Thebobman6059 - この素晴らしい世界に祝福を! | KonoSuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World! (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Views: 5560

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.